About Us

About Us

Whether you are sick or injured, managing a chronic health problem, or working to develop a healthier lifestyle, Student Health & Wellness Center (SHWC) is here to help! We would like your visits at our clinic to be valuable, as it is the mission of SHWC to provide students with high-quality health care and education to strengthen student learning and promote lifelong success through health and wellness.

Students who develop a healthy lifestyle in an environment that supports healthy choices are likely to have the best academic outcomes. The services provided by SHWC, in collaboration with the other Wellness 国产短视频departments, can help you achieve and maintain this healthy lifestyle, and thereby support your academic success.

At SHWC, we strive to provide high-quality healthcare in a manner that is culturally respectful, fiscally responsible, and developmentally appropriate. We combine a wide range of medical, counseling, prevention, and wellness services to help students remain healthy and succeed academically.

Our services are also designed to promote and protect the health of our campus community as a whole, so that students benefit from our work whether or not they ever walk through our doors. SHWC has a range of public health responsibilities, from administering influenza vaccinations to communicating about disease outbreaks and other potential health concerns that affect our campus.

We support the educational mission of the campus in our outreach efforts, materials, and in our commitment to help students graduate with the skills they need to be stewards of their health care for life. If there are ways that we can improve our services to meet your needs, we hope that you will let us know.

Funding / Health Fee
The Health Fee, paid as part of tuition, provides funding for services at SHWC, the Counseling Center, and Center for Student Well-Being. For that reason, charges for services at Student Health are minimal. SHWC bills insurance, but students pay no co-pays or deductibles. If you are uninsured, there are no office visit fees for general medical appointments. Procedures, special appointments, labs, medication, and medical supplies may have associated fees. Student Health sends most lab work to a reference lab, which will bill you separately. See fee schedule for potential charges.

Respect for Diversity
SHWC has an ongoing commitment to build and support a diverse community of patients and employees. We want every patient to feel respected while in our care, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, or country of origin.

Translation services are available for non-native English speakers.

The 国产短视频 Student Health & Wellness Center website provides information about health services and wellness topics for educational purposes only. Its contents are not intended to diagnose, treat, or provide a second opinion on any health problem or disease. You should talk to your health care provider for specific medical assistance.

The links provided on this website are intended as informational resources. The opinions or statements expressed on the linked sites should not be taken as a position of or endorsement by Student Health & Wellness Center or the 国产短视频.