Where to Get Help

Where to Get Help


国产短视频Employees, Students, Guests on Campus, or Program Invitees experiencing what may be discrimination, harassment; or retaliation based on the filing of a protected class complaint (race, color, marital status, religion, sex* including sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, national origin, disability, age, genetic information or veteran status by other 国产短视频Employees, Guests on Campus, or Program Invitees.

Employee Experience Team - EO & ADA

File EO Inquiry Form


Student Conduct & Ethical Development (SCED)

国产短视频Employees, Students, Guests on Campus, or Program Invitees experiencing what may be a violation of USF's Student Code of Conduct. This may include violations or concerns regarding Title VI.

     4202 E Fowler Ave, ALN 109, Tampa, FL 33620

     8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMC 107, Sarasota, FL 34243

     St. Petersburg:
     140 7th Avenue South, NM 101B, St. Petersburg, FL 33701



Discrimination, retaliation, or harassment by or against a 国产短视频student(s) (unless addressed by another 国产短视频regulation, policy, or 国产短视频office) on the basis of race, color, or national origin. 

Student Equal Opportunity Office



国产短视频Employees, Students, or Program Invitees experiencing what may be sexual harassment, discrimination based on sex* (including sexual orientation and gender identity), sexual violence, relationship violence, or stalking based on sex, or retaliation. The Title IX Office will refer reports outside the area of Title IX to the appropriate office (Student Conduct & Ethical Development, Human Resources, Equal Opportunity, Academic Affairs).

Title IX Office
Office of Compliance and Ethics
4202 E Fowler Ave, ALN 172, Tampa, FL 33620


* Both Title VII and Title IX prohibit discrimination based on sex. Complaints of discrimination based on sex in employment will be referred to the Equal Opportunity Office. Complaints of discrimination based on sex in academics will be referred to the Title IX Office. Complaints of sexual violence, relationship violence and stalking will be referred to the Title IX Office, regardless of whether the alleged incident occurred in employment or academics.