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国产短视频Information Technology

New Bull Account Essentials - Get Started

国产短视频IT is an energetic and passionate team of experts who are committed to university success.

New Bull Account Essentials - Get Started

Welcome from 国产短视频Information Technology!

If you already have your NetID, you can skip to the bottom of the page and click one of the links to find out more about the digital resources available to you at USF.

Step 1: Activating Your NetID

As a new member of the 国产短视频community, setting up your Net ID is a crucial step to access the digital resources and services offered by the university. 

Your NetID is used for your 国产短视频email and login ID for all 国产短视频systems. Once you have activated your NetID and email, they will be associated with you and provide you access to USF's digital assets as long as you have an active affiliation with the university (i.e. student and/or employee). 

The NetID you create becomes the first part of your 国产短视频email address: for example, if your NetID is rockythebull, your email will be rockythebull@usf.edu.

Visit our page to set up your NetID. You will need your 国产短视频ID number, which is provided to you by the university upon your acceptance or employment.

Be sure to that meets the 国产短视频security criteria. Make sure it's something you can remember, but difficult for others to guess. 



Step 2: Setting Up Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

At USF, we use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure the security of our accounts. 

The Authenticator App is the best multi-factor authentication option because it is more secure than SMS text or phone calls. It allows you to enter a unique code from the application you are logging into that you can use to securely log in to your accounts. 

During your first login to my国产短视频with your newly activated NetID, you will be prompted to download the Microsoft Authenticator app to setup MFA for your account.

Please follow our  to help you easily download the app and get it properly synced with your 国产短视频account.

After setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app, each time you log in to a university platform such as My国产短视频or your university Microsoft Outlook account, you will receive a push notification on your registered mobile device. 

You will use the app on your device to verify the login attempt is coming from you, helping to ensure the security of your account and data. 





Step 3: Once you're finished, you're all set!  Click one of the links below to find out more about the digital resources available to you at USF.