Great Power Competition

GPC5 Speakers

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5th Great Power Competition Conference
April 28-29, 2022
Virtual Event



Dr. Sanders

(Conference and Day 1 Overview), Staff Director, Cyber Florida: The Florida Center for

Senator Rubio

(Welcoming Remarks)

Senator Rick Scott

(Welcoming Remarks)

Lt Governor Nunez

(Welcoming Remarks)

President Law

(Welcoming Remarks), Interim President, 国产短视频

General Kurilla

(Welcoming Remarks), Commander, US CENTCOM

General McKenzie

(Welcoming Remarks), former Commander, US CENTCOM

Mr. Lieberman

(Opening Keynote Address), former Chair, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

ADM Allen

(Panelist), 23rd Commandant, US Coast Guard

Mr. Gorman

(Panelist), Executive Vice President for Cybersecurity, Booz Allen Hamilton

VADM Tighe

(Panelist), former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information
Warfare and Director, Naval Intelligence, and former Fleet Commander,
U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet

Mr. Singer

(Moderator), Author and New America Senior Fellow

AMB Crocker

(Panelist), former US Ambassador to Iraq, Afghanistan

HON Flournoy

(Panelist), Co-Founder & Managing Partner, WestExec
Advisors; former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Dr. O'Hanlon

(Moderator), Director of Research - Foreign Policy,
Brookings Institution

HON Chertoff

(Segment Keynote), Co-founder & Executive Chairman, The Chertoff Group; former Secretary of Homeland Security


(Panelist), Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group; former Deputy
Secretary of Homeland Security

HON Hale

(Panelist), Director, Deloitte & Touche; former Under Secretary of
Management, US Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Cilluffo

(Moderator), Director, McCrary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security, Auburn University; former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush for Homeland Security

Mr. Moultrie

(Segment Keynote), Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security

Mr. Laughlin

(Panelist), Former Acting Director and Deputy Director, Central
Intelligence Agency

HON Leiter

(Panelist), Partner, National Security; CFIUS; Cybersecurity and Privacy; Congressional Investigations and Government Policy

Mr. Allen

(Moderator), Managing Director & Partner, Beacon Global Strategies

GEN Hayden

(Closing Keynote Address), Principal, Strategic Advisory Services, The Cohen Group

GEN Grynkewich

(Welcoming Remarks), USAF, Director of Operations, UC CENTCOM

LTG Wolff

 (Welcoming Remarks), Director, Near East South Asia Center for
Strategic Studies

Dr. Eisenberg

Dr. Eric Eisenberg (Welcoming Remarks), Dean, 国产短视频College of Arts & Sciences

VADM McConnell

 (Welcoming Remarks), Executive Director, Cyber Florida; former Director, US National Intelligence

Mr. Rogers

(Opening Keynote Address), former Chair, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

LtG. Hooper

, (Welcoming Remarks), Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group; former Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency

HON McCarthy

(Panelist), Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research

ADM Faller

(Panelist), Commander, US Southern Command

Mr. Olsen

(Segment Keynote), Assistant Attorney General for National Security, US Department of Justice

Mr. Pistole

(Panelist), President, Anderson University; former Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

HON Townsend

(Panelist), Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Activision Blizzard; former Homeland Security Advisor

Cathy Lanier

(Panelist), Senior Vice President, Chief Security Officer, National Football League; former Chief, Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia

Mr. Downing

(Panelist), Chief Security Officer, Oak View Group; former
Commanding Officer, Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau,
Los Angeles Police Department

HON Easterly

(Segment Keynote), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Silagy

(Panelist), CEO, Florida Power & Light (FPL)

GEN Alexander

(Panelist), Founder & Co-CEO, IronNet Cybersecurity; former Director, National Security Agency

Mr. Ling

(Panelist), Independent Consultant

GEN Clarke

(Panelist), Commander, US SOCOM