HUSTLE Entrepreneurship Program


HUSTLE Incubator is a program that aims to help university students at the University of South Florida develop their leadership and entrepreneurship abilities. This twelve-month program centers around a college-oriented competition where students will create and launch their businesses. Selected teams will receive funding, resources, and mentorship to support their ventures. The ultimate prize for the winning team is $100,000 in Series A funding to develop their business further.

Interested in joining one of the accepted student startups? Submit your information to the for consideration by the founders!


Here's a breakdown of the program's phases:

Program Details

Phase 1: Applications

The initial application will consist of:

  • Students can apply online by clicking as a team, summarizing their business idea. Students can also apply on this page by hitting the Apply Now button.

  • Each applicant must be a current 国产短视频student during the application process, and students who will graduate in Fall 2024 can also apply.

  • The application requires a concise business operations plan, budget, and market analysis.

  • The application period is from August 1, 2024, to October 23, 2024.

  • A team of professionals will review the applications, conduct interviews, and select the finalists.

Phase 2: Final Selection

  • Top twenty teams will present to the Hustle Board, including David Chessler, on November 8, 2024.
  • Teams will deliver a 5-minute video pitch, followed by a 7-minute question and answer session.
  • Teams will receive extensive coaching to prepare thoroughly for the pitch event.
  • Each team is required to create a comprehensive business plan and business model canvas.
  • Presentations will be assessed based on business strategy, team dynamics, marketing approach, and financial planning.

With the help of entrepreneurs, professors, and assigned mentors, teams will put together a professional presentation that will be assessed based on:

Business summary/strategy

  • Why/how will your business be successful?
  • What is so unique about your business idea?
  • What problem does your product or service solve, and how significant is this problem in the market?
  • What is your business model?


  • For teams and solopreneurs, is the CEO or each team member determined, hard-working, and qualified?
  • For teams, does the group collaborate effectively? For solopreneurs, is there a clear plan for necessary support or partnerships?
  • Does each team member have a defined role and responsibilities? For solopreneurs, is there a clear division of tasks or an outsourcing strategy?

Marketing/sales approach

  • Who is your target audience?
  • How will you market to your target audience?
  • How do you plan to create product/service awareness and generate leads for your startup?


  • How do you plan to monetize your product or service?
  • What is your pricing strategy?
  • How will you distribute your budget?

Phase 3: Competition

Incubation Phase

Spanning from late November to the end of February, this phase is tailored to refine and advance the early-stage ideas of up to 10 entrepreneurial teams.

  • Access to industry leaders who provide guidance and support to hone your business model.
  • Participate in workshops designed to equip you with foundational skills in areas like market analysis, business planning, and financial management.
  • Focus on developing and refining your product or service based on initial testing and user feedback to ensure a strong fit with market needs.
  • Start forming strategic connections with potential investors and partners through planned networking opportunities.

***At the end of each month, there will be a board meeting to review your progress and provide advice for advancing in the upcoming month. These meetings are an opportunity to reflect on achievements, address challenges, and strategize for continued development and success.

Accelerator Phase

Extending from March to December, this phase is designed to propel the top 3-5 teams towards market entry and operational scalability.

  • Participate in workshops focused on advanced operational strategies and efficient market entry.
  • Formulate and refine a comprehensive Go-to-Market strategy, preparing for a successful launch.
  • Execute market tests to refine your product and initiate a phased market launch.
  • Showcase your progress in structured demo days to attract potential investors and secure necessary funding for market entry.

Program Rules:

In the case that a team member(s) is under performing, the other members may present this information to the board of judges and request to have said member fired. If the board of judges agrees, the said member will be fired and disqualified from the competition. In this situation, the team can choose to recruit a new member, with the board鈥檚 approval. Throughout the course of the competition, teams may not disclose any financials with outside members (i.e. the opposing team) until the winner has been announced. The Hustle Board maintains strict performance standards and reserves the right to dismiss any team that is underperforming within the program. Additionally, should none of the participating teams meet the required qualifications for additional funding by the end of the program, Chesler Holdings is not obligated to award the $100,000 Series A funding. This ensures that only the most deserving and viable projects are supported and encouraged to grow.



  1. Can I submit multiple business ideas?
    • Yes, you may submit as many ideas as you would like considered. You will need to submit a complete application for each idea separately.
  2. What if I graduate in the Fall, can I still participate?
    • Yes, as long as everyone on the team is a student on the application due date (October 16th) you can apply and participate in the program. 
  3. Is this program open to international students?
    • Yes, this program is open to international students. It is expected that the student understands the implications for their visa status and makes decisions using information / guidance they find on their own. 
  4. Is this program open to "X-Type" students? (medical, engineering, arts, humanities, business, etc)
    • The HUSTLE program is open to all students in all programs across all campuses. Anyone can be an entrepreneur and pursue their ideas - and the program supports innovation and entrepreneurship from all sources. 
  5. Should every cofounder or team member submit an application?
    • No, there should only be one application for each business idea that includes the names of all cofounders / team members. 

For additional questions contact:

Magdelena Harrah
Hustle Program Director
Chessler Holdings

国产短视频Nault Entrepreneurship Center

Tim Ernest
Program Planner Analyst
国产短视频Nault Center for Entrepreneurship