Dr. Kosyluk


Dr. Kristin Kosyluk is Assistant Professor of Mental Health Law & Policy at the University of South Florida, Director of the STigma Action Research (STAR) Lab, and Faculty Affiliate of the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.  Her research focuses on promoting recovery among people with mental illness, with an emphasis on understanding and addressing stigma as a barrier to recovery.  She is also the lead evaluator of the national anti-stigma non-profit, This Is My Brave. She is currently PI of a grant from the (NIDILRR grant number 90IFRE0056) examining the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of a disclosure based stigma reduction program, Up To Me, among college student. Dr. Kosyluk is Vice President of the , and serves on the Editorial Board of the APA journal, .

Dr. Kosyluk's Contact Information
You can reach Dr. Kosyluk by email.

Phone: (813) 974-6019

Physical Address:
13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd
Tampa, Florida 33612

 Dr. Kosyluk's Publications & Other Media

* Denotes student co-author(s).

Kosyluk, K., Baeder, T.*, Green, K.*, DiEva, D.*, Tran, J.T.*, Bolton, C.*, Loecher, N.*, & Galea, J. (In Review; Sage Preprint Available: https://advance.sagepub.com/articles/preprint/Mental_Distress_Label_Avoidance_and_Use_of_a_Mental_Health_Chatbot_Results_from_a_U_S_Survey/21431079). Mental Distress, Label Avoidance, and Use of a Mental Health Chatbot: Results from a U.S. Survey.

Tran, J.T.,* Galea, J., & Kosyluk, K. (In Review). The Impact of Stigma on Mental Health at the Intersection of BIPOC LGBTQ+ College Students. Journal of American College Health.

Tran, J.T.,* Rigg, K., Galea, J., & Kosyluk, K. (In Review). Examining the Effects of Storytelling as a Tool to Address Intersectional Stigma. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health.

Tran, J.T.,* Galea, J., & Kosyluk, K. (In Review). Examining the Impact of Stigma on Mental Health at the Intersection of Race/Ethnicity and Sexual and Gender Minority Identity Among College Students. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health.

Tran, J.T.,* Bolton, C.,* Mills, V.,* Matteo, C., & Kosyluk, K. (In Review). We Matter: Impact of Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American (APIDA) Stories of Mental Illness to Address Stigma. Race and Social Problems.

Tran, J.T.*, Adcock, C.*, Torres, K.*, Young, A.*, Gallagher, E., Grana, K., Marshall, J., & Kosyluk, K.A. (In Review).  Qualitative Analysis of This Is My Brave (TIMB) Teen Video Diaries: COVID-19 Impact on Coping in Adolescents Living with Mental Illness.  Journal of Adolescent Research.

Sanabria, G., Greene, K.Y., Tran, J.T., Gilyard, S., DiGiovanni, L., Emmanuel, P.J., Sanders, L.J., Kosyluk, K.A., & Galea, J.T. (In Press). 鈥楢 great way to start the conversation:鈥 Evidence for the use of an adolescent mental health chatbot navigator for youth at risk of HIV and other STIs. Aids & Behavior.

Kosyluk, K., Tran, J.T.,* King, S.,* Torres, K.,* & Neal, T. (In Press). Preliminary Effectiveness Study of the Cope Notes Digital Mental Health Program. Journal of Mental Health. 

Tran, J.T.,* Torres, K.,* Dion, C., Jeffries, V., & Kosyluk, K. (In Press). A Qualitative Evaluation of an Adapted Assertive Community Treatment Program: Perspectives During COVID-19. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research.

Loecher, N.,* Tran, J.T.,* & Kosyluk, K. (In Press).  Parental Perspectives on Healthcare Transition in Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Pediatric Cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.

Tran, J.T.,* Mills, V.,* Bolton, C.,* Wilks, M.,* Galea, J., & Kosyluk, K. (In Press). Integrative Review on Contact-Based Interventions to Address LGBTQ+ Related Stigma. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health.

Conner, K.O., Kosyluk, K.A., Tran, J.T., Anderson, E., Davis-Cotton, D., & Hill, A.M. (In Press). The Impact of a Culturally Meaningful Storytelling Intervention on Stigma and Attitudes About Mental Health Treatment. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

DiGiovanni, L.K., Lim, A.C., Kosyluk, K.A., Loecher, N.,* Lewald, D.L., Rodriguez, C.A., & Sanders, L.J. (In Press). Novel application of dot survey methodology at a health clinic to assess youth attitudes about mental health. Journal of Adolescent Health. 

Kosyluk, K.A., Conner, K.O., Lo, C., Ji, M., Beekman, B.M.*, Tran, J.*, Brister, T., O鈥橞rien, S., Andrus, D.,* & Kipp, K. (In Press, To Be Published October 2022).  Examining the Efficacy of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Peer-to-Peer Program with a Predominantly Latinx Population: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.  American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Kosyluk, K., Kenneally, R.,* Tran, J.T.,* Bolton, C.,* & Conner, K. (2022). Overcoming stigma as a barrier to children鈥檚 mental healthcare: The role of empowerment and mental health literacy. Stigma & Health, 7(4), 432鈥442. https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000402

King, S.,* Lebert, J.,* Tucker, L.,* Neal, T. Phillips, A., & Kosyluk, K. (2022). Characterizing User Experiences With an SMS Text Messaging鈥揃ased mHealth Intervention: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Formative Research, 6 (5).

Eno Louden, J., Avila, A., Esparza Del Villar, O., Jung, H., Kosyluk, K., & Flores, E. (2022). Self-stigma of Mental Illness Among Latino People on the U.S.-M茅xico Border. Stigma & Health. Published online ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000365

Umucu, E., Reyes, A., Urkmez, B, Ergun, G., Castruita, Y., & Kosyluk, K.A. (2021).  Developing and Validating a Scale of Negative Attitudes toward COVID-19 with a Sample of People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 52 (2), 61-72.

Conner, K. O., Gum, A. M., Schonfeld, L., Kosyluk, K., Anderson, E., Baker-Douglan, J., ... & Reynolds, C. F. (2021). Enhancing care transitions intervention with peer support to improve outcomes among older adults with co-occurring clinical depression: A pilot study. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 40(4), 324-339.

Umucu, E., Lee, B., Iwanaga, K., Kosyluk, K., Blake, J., Bezyak, J., & Chan, F. (2021). Relationships Between Positive Human Traits and PERMA (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments) in Student Veterans With and Without Disabilities: A Canonical Correlation Analysis. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 35(3), 238-247.

Kosyluk, K. A., Marshall, J., Macias, D. R., Macias, S., Conner, K. O., Beekman, B. M.*, & Her, J.* (2021). Challenging the stigma of mental illness through creative storytelling: A randomized controlled trial of this is my brave. Community Mental Health Journal, 57, 144-152.

Kosyluk, K.A., Conner, K.O., Al-Khouja, M., Bink, A., Buchholz, B., Ellefson, S., 鈥 Corrigan, P.W. (2020).  Factors predicting help seeking for mental illness among college students. Journal of Mental Health, 1-8.

Singhal, A., Perez, L., & Kosyluk, K.A. (2019). Finding Employment for Clients with a Mental Illness: A Positive Deviance Inquiry at the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. Social Justice Initiative, Department of Communication The University of Texas at El Paso, 6.

Jones, N., Kosyluk, K., Gius, B.K., Wolf, J., & Rosen, C.  (2019).  Investigating the Mobility of the Peer Specialist Workforce in the United States: Findings from a National Survey.  Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.

Kosyluk, K.A., Marshall, J., Rivera Macias, D*., Andrus, D.T*., Guerra, D.*, Robinson, M.*, Ostos, A.P*., & Chapman, S.* (2018).  Examining the Impact of This Is My Brave on Mental Illness Stigma and Willingness to Seek Help: A Pilot Study.  Community Mental Health Journal, 54(3), 276-281.

Kosyluk, K.A., Al-Khouja, M., Bink, A., Buchholz, B., Ellefson, S., Fokuo, J.K., 鈥 Corrigan, P.W. (2016).  Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness Among College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial.  Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(60), 325-331.

Kosyluk, K.A., Corrigan, P.W., Jones, N., James, D., Abelson, S., & Malmon, A. (2016).  Developing a Campaign to Promote and Environment of Solidarity and Support on College Campuses for Students with Mental Illness. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 30(4), 404-420.

Kosyluk, K.A., Corrigan, P.W., Schmidt, A., Abelson, S., & Malmon, A.  (2015). A Campus Solidarity Campaign: Respect and Support for College Students with Mental Illness.  Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 19(4), 180-190.

Corrigan, P.W., Kosyluk, K.A., Markowitz, F., Lewis Brown, R., Conlon, B., Rees, J., Rosenberg, J., Elefson, S., & Al-Khouja, M. (2015).  Mental illness stigma and disclosure in college students. Journal of Mental Health, 25(3),224-230.  

Michaels, P.J., Kosyluk, K.A., & Butler, E. (2015).  Applying health communications to mental illness stigma change. Journal of Public Mental Health, 14(2), 69-78.

Kosyluk, K.A., Corrigan, P.W., Landis, R. (2014).  Employer stigma as a mediator between past and future hiring behavior. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 57(2), 102-108. DOI: 10.1177/0034355213496284

Corrigan, P.W., Kosyluk, K.A., Fokuo, J.K., & Park, J.H. (2014).  How does direct to consumer advertising affect the stigma of mental illness? Community Mental Health Journal, 50(7), 792-799.  DOI: 10.1007/s10597-014-9698-7
PMID: 24488184

Corrigan, P.W., Powell, K., Fokuo, J.K., & Kosyluk, K. (2014). Does humor influence the stigma of mental illnesses? Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202(5), 397-401.  DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000138.
PMID: 24747719

Corrigan, P.W., & Kosyluk, K.A. (2013). Erasing the stigma: Where science meets advocacy.  Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(1), 131-140.  DOI: 10.1080/01973533.2012.746598

Corrigan, P.W., Kosyluk, K.A., & R眉sch, N. (2013).  Reducing Self-Stigma by Coming Out Proud.  American Journal of Public Health, 103(5), 794-800. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301037, PMID: 23488488

Corrigan, P.W., Sokol, K.A., R眉sch, N. (2013).  The impact of Self-Stigma and Mutual Help Programs on the Quality of Life of People with Serious Mental Illnesses. Community Mental Health Journal, 49(1), 1-6. doi: 10.1007/s10597-011-9445-2, PMCID: PMC3320674

Ditchman, N., Werner, S., Kosyluk, K.A., Jones, N., & Corrigan, P.W.  (2013).  Stigma and Intellectual Disability: Potential Applications of Mental Illness Research.  Rehabilitation Psychology, 58(2), 206-216. doi: 10.1037/a0032466

Herzig, B.A., Roysircar, G., Kosyluk, K.A., & Corrigan, P.W.  (2013). American Muslim College Students: The Impact of Religiousness and Stigma on Active Coping. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 7(1), 33-42.

Werner,S., Ditchman, N., Corrigan, P.W., & Sokol, K. (2012). Stigma and intellectual disability: A review of related measures and future directions. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(2), 748-765. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.10.009

Conference Papers
 N. Loecher, S. King, J. Cabo, T. Neal and K. Kosyluk, "Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental Health Program with Mobile Biometrics: Work-in-Progress," 2023 17th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2023), 2023.

Chapters in Books
Rigg, K. K., & Kosyluk, K. (2020). Developing and evaluating community-based health interventions: The role of data. In Jung Choi (Eds.), Community-Based Service Delivery: Theory and Implementation. New York, NY: Routledge.

Ditchman, N., Kosyluk, K.A., Lee, E.J., & Jones, N.  (2016). How Stigma Affects the Lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities: An Overview.  In Intellectual Disability and Stigma (pp. 31-47). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Corrigan, P.W., Kosyluk, K.A., & Kottsieper, P. (2015).  The Problem of Adherence and the Importance of Self Determination.  In Corrigan. (Ed.), Person-Centered Care for Mental Illness: The Evolution of Adherence and Self-Determination. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA).

Watson, A.C., Corrigan, P.W., & Kosyluk, K.A.  (2014).  Challenging Stigma.  In P. Byrne, & A. Rosen (Eds.), Early Intervention in Psychiatry: Early Intervention of Nearly Everything for Better Mental Health. London: Wiley.  

Corrigan, P.W., & Kosyluk, K. (2014).   Mental Illness Stigma: Types, Constructs, and Vehicles for Change.  In Corrigan. (Ed.), Stigma of Disease and Disability: Understanding Causes and Overcoming Injustices. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA).

Lee, E.-J., & Sokol, K. (2011). Group work and family dynamics. In F. Chan, M. Bishop, J. Chronister, E.-J Lee, & C.-Y. Chiu. (Eds.), CRC examination preparation: A concise guide to the foundations of rehabilitation counseling (pp.113-130). New York: Springer.

Technical Reports

Kosyluk, K.A., Beekman, B.M. & Tran, J.T. (2021). Social Stigma on Mental Health in Minority Communities Summary Report (Report No. 1). Tampa, Florida: Florida Children and Youth Cabinet Social Stigma on Mental Health Workgroup. 

Kosyluk, K.A., Tran, J.T., & Torres, K. (2021). Pinellas County Empowerment Team High-Utilizer Behavioral Pilot: Qualitative Evaluation (Report No. 2). Tampa, Florida: Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, 国产短视频. 

Kosyluk, K.A. Training and Technical Assistance for the Self-Assessment and Planning Tool for Managing Entities and Community Health Providers. (2020). Tampa, Florida: Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, 国产短视频. 

Articles & Other Media

国产短视频Healthcare Superteams Podcast (2022, June 13). Mental Health Stigma: What Is It and Why It Matters. A Conversation with Dr. Kristin Kosyluk. Podcast. https://healthcare-superteams.simplecast.com/episodes/mental-health-stigma-what-is-it-and-why-it-matters-a-conversation-with-dr-kristin-kosyluk-HB2PlCKl.

Inside 国产短视频Podcast (2022, May 6). "Season 1 | Episode 26: A Frank Conversation about Mental Health Struggles." Inside 国产短视频Podcast. Podcast. https://inside-usf-the-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/a-frank-conversation-about-mental-health-struggles-Kr8cXEpV.

Bruner, K. 鈥湽淌悠祍tudents use creative performances to talk openly about mental health.鈥 W国产短视频Public Media- W国产短视频89.7. 2022 April 8.  https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/health-news-florida/2022-04-08/usf-students-to-use-creative-performances-to-talk-openly-about-mental-health

Guyardo, G. 鈥淭his Is My Brave is rolling out a college Edition.鈥 Bloom TV News Channel 8. 2022 Jan 17. https://www.wfla.com/bloom/this-is-my-brave-rolls-out-a-college-edition/ 

Walker, A. 鈥淚n Focus: Teen Mental Health.鈥 Spectrum News Bay News 9. 2021 Dec 6. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/in-focus-shows/2021/12/28/in-focus-122621

Tran, J.T., Dunavant, K., Olak, E., & Kosyluk, K.A. Creators. 鈥淚ntersectionality in Mental Health鈥 My Collective Brave: Intersectional Stories. 2021 Aug 18. https://youtu.be/gN2ecPsg4xo

Whethers, S. Justice for All: Mental Health in the Black Community. Spectrum News 9 Bay News 9.  29 Dec 2020. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/justice-for-all/2020/12/29/justice-for-all--mental-health-in-the-black-community

Salcedo, A. 鈥淓motions run high as voters cope with 鈥榚lection stress disorder.鈥欌 WTSP, Tampa Bay Channel 10. 2020 Nov 2. https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/politics/elections/emotions-run-high-as-voters-cope-with-election-stress-disorder/67-129a6d72-c257-491f-903f-9292ef32d468

Bull, H.  Researchers work to help COVID-19 responders in mental distress.  ABC Action News.  September 8, 2020. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/coronavirus/researchers-work-to-help-covid-19-responders-in-mental-distress

Kumar, D.  国产短视频tackles 14 more research projects to study coronavirus impacts.  Tampa Bay Times. September 2, 2020. https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2020/09/02/usf-tackles-14-more-research-projects-to-study-coronavirus-impacts/

Hayes, S. Does it feel like everyone is hanging out again? Tampa Bay Times. August 12, 2020. https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2020/08/12/does-it-feel-like-everyone-is-hanging-out-again/

Turner, S. 鈥淐ope Notes鈥 Texting Service Delivers Positive Messages for Mental Health.  Now This Daily.  https://www.facebook.com/NowThisDaily/videos/812849029080640/

Acosta, L., & Kosyluk, K. A. (2016, August 31). H.O.P.E. Clinics Helps Homeless Individuals Get Job Ready.Utepnews.  Retrieved from https://www.utep.edu/newsfeed/campus/h-o-p-e-clinics-helps-homeless-individuals-get-job-ready.html.  

Griffin, J. (2019, February 22).  A support group in your phone.  Healing for mental illness comes one text at a time.  Retrieved from https://www.tampabay.com/health/a-support-group-in-your-phone-healing-for-mental-illness-comes-one-text-at-a-time-20190222/   

Kosyluk, K. A., & Singhal, A. (2015, August 3). UTEP Project Addresses Unemployment for People with Psychiatric Disabilities. Utepnews.  Retrieved from http://news.utep.edu/utep-project-addresses-unemployment-for-people-with-psychiatric-disabilities-2/.  

Kosyluk, K.A. (2014).  Behind the Scenes: Developing the Pledge for Mental Health Unity.  Retrieved from http://activemindsblog.org/behind-the-scenes-developing-the-pledge-for-mental-health-unity/  

Kosyluk, K.A., Corrigan, P.W., & Abelson, S. (2014).  October 2014 Mental Health Stigma Network Newsletter: International Updates (USA)- Mental Health Unity (MHU).  Retrieved from http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=16552c7ea14c96374c3f9859c&id=da2f2ba9b0&e=11d7458ec2  

Rutherford, M. (Producer and Interviewer), Marshall, J. (Interviewee), Kosyluk, K.A. (Interviewee). (2018, June 29). 083 SelfWork: Talking Matters. Interview with Jennifer Marshall, Co-founder of This Is My Brave and Dr. Kristin Kosyluk [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://drmargaretrutherford.com/083-selfwork-talking-matters-interview-with-jennifer-marshall-co-founder-of-this-is-my-brave-and-dr-kristin-kosyluk/  

Scattergood Foundation Feature Story (2014).  Be a Part of the Solution- Mental Health Unity.  Retrieved from http://www.scattergoodfoundation.org/activity/reviewer/be-part-solution-mental-health-unity#.VM_JXsZpJbw  

WHYY Radio Segment (2014).  Unity Pledge Advanced as 鈥淩ainbow Flag鈥 of Solidarity for Mental Illness.  Retrieved from 