MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

We will hold brief Teams meetings every Thursday starting February 1 from 9:00 - 10:00 EST to answer any question you may have about the MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics program.  However, the meetings are not a substitute for you reading the information on this page, and other pages related to the program and are therefore intended to answer questions that you might still have after having read this material.  You can join the meetings .

  • GRE Testing -  Starting 11/20/21, We're requesting that you upload your testing center confirmation as well as your GRE scores when you apply.  Those who took the GRE at home should upload their documentation and note that is was a home test.  We accept GRE  scores from both home and testing centers, however, we prefer GRE scores taken at test center. At-home GRE scores will be considered but will be given less weight in assessing the application. 
  • GRE/GMAT waivers may be requested for 1) those who have graduated from ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵwith a high GPA or 2) those have 3+ years of strong technical work experience in the region where the program is offered.  For our on-campus program, this means working while physically located in the U.S. While we value all technical work experience, the GRE/GMAT test waiver does not apply to those working remotely with U.S. companies.

  • English Language Proficiency Testing - The English language requirement (IETLS / TOEFL) has not been waived. The TOEFL test is now online but is limited in the number of countries that offer online access. Because of this constraint, ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵwill temporarily use the online DuoLingo test. Email for more information.
  • CIP code changes?  There is no plan to change the CIP code for the program when we change the name. The STEM status of the program will remain unchanged. 


How is the program ranked among its peers?

USF's MS in AI and Business Analytics program has been ranked as No. 47 across the world in the 2020 QS World ranking for MS in Business Analytics program.  In 2013, BusinessWeek magazine ranked the undergraduate ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵMIS program as No. 25 in the nation.

How does the research activity in the department rank among its peers?

While these rankings are volatile, the School of Information Systems and Management at ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵis ranked No. 32 in the world for publication in premier journals (Management Information Systems Quarterly and Information Systems Research) during 2008-2012.

What about some relevant rankings of the university?

¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵis one of the fastest growing universities in the nation. In 2023, the University of South Florida was ranked 14th among U.S. public research universities in the world in the number of patents awarded, placing it in the ranks of institutions such as MIT and Stanford in patent awards.


What are some special features of your program?

Some special features of our program include:

  • The ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵMaster of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics program is a STEM program, which means that the academic curriculum has been assessed as meeting the most pressing needs of employers in the United States. For international students, this improves opportunities for optional practical training (please see the section on international students for more details).  There is no plan to change the CIP code for the program. The STEM status of our program will remain unchanged. 
  • We have three optional concentrations within the program for those interested in focusing on cybersecurity, fintech, or business intelligence.  Concentrations can be completed within the program by appropriate selection of electives.  You do not need to select a concentration if you do not want to.

Is this program well suited for "business-oriented" jobs upon graduation?

  • This is a STEM program. It is therefore recognized as a differentiated program that aims to meet a set of unique, specialized needs in the economy. For the foreseeable future, there is high demand in the workplace for graduates with the knowledge and associated skills we cover in our program and a very tight supply of these graduates.

  • Other departments in the college and the university generate large pools of graduates with "business knowledge."  Program leaders strive to differentiate Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics students in a meaningful way and, as a result, graduates command a 15-20% wage premium at start compared to most other majors.  

  • Largely due to plentiful supply of graduates with business skills and a shortage of graduates with technical skills, the immigration process is vastly more friendly towards graduates going into technical roles as opposed to graduates trying to enter business roles.

  • Those interested in getting into a business role upon graduation as opposed to a more technical role, may also want to consider the MBA program. Some alumni pursue an MBA a few years after graduating from this program.

  • Students entering medical school aspire for medicine-oriented jobs in hospitals, not the business-oriented jobs in hospitals. Given the specialized nature of that business, most hospitals are led by medical specialists, not business generalists. The same is increasingly becoming true of the IT industry. Program leaders aim to position students for leadership roles in the IT industry, which, going by stock market estimates, is about 20% of the U.S. economy.

JObs Prospects and Placement

What are the job prospects for graduates from this program?

To see how likely it is that there will be a job opening for you when you graduate from the program, we encourage you to visit the web of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics at .  The BLS regularly publishes a list of the 20 fastest growing occuptations at .  Typically, a number of the occupations this program prepares you for are listed among these.  You can also use the Search Box at the top of the page to search for specific occupations, or to find more details about the occupations listed among the 20 fastest growing ones.

What is the full-time placement record?

The department has its own exclusive student success specialist who facilitates job and internship placement for graduate students. All of the students in the Master of Science in Business Analytics & Information Systems program, the program which morphed into the Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics program, who responded to recent placement surveys (summer 2018 through fall 2021) reported being employed within three months of graduation (typically, about 75% of graduates respond to such surveys). Recent graduates reported being placed at leading global businesses such as IBM, Deloitte, Apple, Microsoft, Disney, PayPal, Goldman Sachs, Booz & Company, Capgemini, Tech Data, Infosys, JP Morgan Chase, SAS Institute, Capital One, Rockwell Collins and Raymond James. Starting salaries have been in the $65K – $180K range, varying with location, experience and other factors. The location of the department within the technologically dynamic metropolitan area of Tampa Bay helps students locate employers of choice.

Additionally, the department seeks out opportunities to help students demonstrate their skills. ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵteams have competed in several international case competitions. These competitions attract teams from top schools such as Carnegie Mellon, Purdue, and the University of Arizona. The department pays all travel-related expenses for the students selected to participate.  The department's Practice Center offers professional development opportunities in collaboration with local industry and often leads to job offers after graduation, too.

The department has strong relationships with IT industry in the Tampa Bay area and has an active mailing list for jobs and internship opportunities. Job fairs, information and interview sessions are offered through the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵCareer Center and the Muma College of Business' Office of Employer Relations.

What is the salary range of recently placed graduates from the program?

The starting salary offers for recent MS BAIS graduates were in the $65,000 - $180,000 range, varying considerably with the location of the position and the experience of the graduate. The average starting salary offer was approximately $120,000. This does not include benefits such as healthcare and retirement.


How much will the program cost?

Florida has one of the lowest costs nationwide of completing an academic degree. Our tuition information can be found at (enter ‘Graduate (Business, Engineering)’ in the Program Level drop down menu).  The MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics program is a minimum of 33 credits, not including any outstanding prerequisites.  

Are there any scholarships or graduate assistant positions available?

Scholarship information can be found at the Office of Graduate Studies scholarship web page.

The School of Information Systems and Management offers graduate assistant (GA) positions each year, which are awarded on a competitive basis.  Please be aware that the hiring process takes time, so applicants should apply early and have their visas (international students) to be eligible for a position in their first semester.  While the department does its best, it is unable to make any commitment that students will find a GA position.  GA positions are not available to students in their first semester in the program.

The department traditionally has four types of GA positions available:

  1. Department undergraduate teaching assistant (two-semester limit; selection among all enrolled students): Selection based on GRE / GMAT scores, TOEIC/TOEFL/IELTS speak scores (international students), strength in the teaching area and interviews.
  2. Department graduate teaching assistant (two-semester limit; selection among all enrolled students): Selection based on class performance, faculty recommendation and TOEIC/TOEFL/IELTS speak scores (international students).
  3. Department skills-based positions (selection among all enrolled students): Selection based on project scope and technical skills required.
  4. Pre-approved out-of-college technical positions (selection among all students admitted that semester): Selection based on position responsibilities and technical skills required.

Incoming international students must submit a copy of their visa along with their application in order to be considered for any positions.

¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵwill send announcements to all current and incoming graduate students.  ** Spring applications may be used for both the spring and any open summer positions.

Are there part-time jobs available on campus?

Yes, these positions exist, though they become available on an irregular basis. MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics students have received part-time positions (including GA positions) in many different academic and administrative departments on campus. 

Are internship/Co-op opportunities available?

The department has a very exciting program for the professional development of students in collaboration with champions for the department in local industry — the SISM Practice Center. Industry partners including Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Time Customer Service, Raymond James Financial, Verizon, Finntech, and the U.S. Veterans Administration regularly craft projects for our students to refine and demonstrate their skills in paid positions while developing a useful product for the project sponsor. Many of these projects lead to employment offers, specially when students are able to demonstrate technical competence. In addition, there is also the Practicum option, which allows students to do internships in various companies while earning elective credits. Companies providing such internship opportunities include Verizon, Tech Data, Microsoft, JPMorgan Chase, Raymond James, Citigroup, and Nielsen.


What are the application requirements?

Application requirements are determined by the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵGraduate school, which provides detailed application requirements.

Can I apply with a three-year undergraduate degree?

We require a four-year undergraduate degree or a three-year degree with one year of graduate work.

Do I need work experience in order to qualify for admission?

Work experience is not strictly required, but work experience will mean that your application will be stronger.

What does the admissions committee look for?

The admissions committee reviews each application for undergraduate transcripts, standardized scores (GMAT/ GRE, TOEFL if necessary), relevant work experience, two academic or professional letters of recommendation, the statement of purpose essay and relevant extracurricular involvement.  The statement of purpose is viewed as a writing sample; no separate writing sample is necessary.

Can I send my application information to the department for an evaluation before I apply?

The graduate coordinator and academic director welcome queries but cannot review application materials and 'pre-admit' students to the program before the complete application is submitted and reviewed by the admissions committee.

Do I need to take the GRE or the GMAT?

Yes, these are essential components of the application. Applicants may however choose to take either the GRE or GMAT.

What is the minimum accepted GRE/GMAT score?

The admissions committee evaluates the whole application, not a single score. Additionally, the admission decision is based on the number of applicants and available seats for the program. However, in recent years, most successful applicants have typically had GRE scores near or above 308 (with a verbal score of 149 or above) and GMAT scores in the 580+ range. 

I took the GRE/GMAT a few years ago. Will I have to re-take the test? Can I get the GRE / GMAT requirements waived?

These scores are only valid for five years. The School of Information Systems and Management seldom waives the GRE / GMAT requirement for the MS program.

Do I need to take the TOEFL? What is the minimum TOEFL score?

The TOEFL exam may be waived under certain circumstances. Current information can be found at the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵGraduate School language requirements web page and the graduate application requirements page.

What code do I use to send test scores to USF?

The institution code for ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵis 5828 and applies to all tests administered by ETS. There is no department code necessary. GMAT scores can be sent with the following school / program: VP9-M4-17.  More information can be found at the graduate applications requirements page

Do I have to have a technology-related undergraduate degree?

No. Although technology experience is considered in the admission decision, the department goes to great lengths to accommodate students from all undergraduate majors, students from all academic backgrounds can find professional success after going through our program.

Are there any prerequisites for admission into the program?

In addition to a four-year bachelor's degree, the program prerequisites are listed below. The prerequisite courses do not count towards the 33 credit hours of course requirements in the Master of Science in Business Analytics & Information Systems program. Most admitted students are able to waive many of these requirements from prior course-work and/ or work experience. Many remaining requirements can be completed before beginning the program through various resources available to students.

  1. One semester of a high-level, object oriented programming language (e.g., C#, C++, Java) or substantial object-oriented programming experience
  2. One semester of Information Systems Analysis and Design, Systems Engineering or equivalent experience
  3. One semester of Database Systems or equivalent experience
  4. One semester of Statistics (this must include significant coverage of: probability distributions, regression analysis, multivariate analysis, and hypothesis testing)
  5. One semester of economics (micro or macro)
  6. One semester of financial accounting

I am not sure I have met the prerequisites in my prior course work. How can I confirm my prerequisite needs?

All newly admitted graduate students should contact the admissions team at for a prerequisite check. The team will let you know if you have any outstanding prerequisites and offer strategies for completing prerequisites.

Do I have to take the prerequisites before I start the program?

No, with some careful scheduling of classes, the prerequisites may be taken concurrently with courses in the MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics program.

Can I defer my admission if necessary?

Applicants can request a deferment of up to one year by sending an email request to

Can I transfer from another university's master's program?

Students interesting in transferring to ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵshould apply using the same process as all other graduate applicants. If admitted, you can complete a transfer of course form and send it along with course syllabi to the admissions team at A maximum of 9 graduate credits can be transferred from approved universities and only courses completed with a B grade or better can be considered.

Can I email the MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics academic advisor with further questions?

Yes, feel free to contact the admissions team at with additional questions, however we ask that you:

  • First review this FAQ document completely. To make the best use of both our times, if we have addressed your question here, we will direct you here anyway
  • Follow the links for additional information from other departments at USF
  • Send questions to the appropriate department (the admissions team cannot help with specific questions about the online application, tuition, residency, I-20s, immunization, etc.)
  • Include your full name and U # in the subject area (header) of all email correspondence

International students

Where can I find information about required TOEFL / IELTS scores?  

The Office of Graduate Studies has a webpage with this information.  If you still have questions after reviewing this, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies directly at

I'm an international student, what are some special feature of the program for international students?

The ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵMS in AI and Business Analytics program is a STEM program with CIP code 11.0501 (Computer System Analysis/ Analyst), which means the usual 12-month practical training period can be extended under certain conditions. Please see the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵwebsite for OPT Extension Information as well as the ICE website for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) codes , and the corresponding benefits to international students. Please contact for additional information.

Can I get practical training while in the program?

Students may do curriculum practical training while in the program. 

I'm an international student, where can I get help on the documents needed to attend USF?

Information for international students can be found at the Admissions Information for International Students website and the .

I have never traveled abroad before. What resources are available to make my initial arrival comfortable when I reach USF?

Following the American spirit of self-help, many student organizations on campus do their best to make your arrival and early days as pleasant as possible. Examples include the , a faith-based organization.

I am an international student with a three-year undergraduate degree. Can I apply for the MS/ BAIS program directly, or do I need to first apply to a bridge program to complete the fourth year?

Please see the University's page on Bachelor's degree equivalence on the process for such degree holders. Typically, for European students, if your institution complies with the Bologna requirements, you should not need any additional course work. Students from other countries generally need to complete one additional year of schoolwork. For additional information, please contact the .

What is the appropriate way to address faculty?

The general practice to address faculty is "Professor <last name>". If you know the professor has a PhD degree, it is also common practice to address them as "Dr. <last name>." As a general rule, avoid addressing faculty by first names unless they specifically ask you to.

What is the appropriate way to address business professionals you might meet on campus?

A safe practice is to address any business professional (who might be your boss or manager) as Mr. <last name> or Ms. <last name>. As a general rule, avoid addressing business professionals by first names unless you feel you know them reasonably well or they ask that you do so.


How does the application process work?

Applications are accepted by the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵOffice of Graduate Studies and are sent to the department for evaluation when the required documents (soft copies of resume and statement of purpose, transcripts (all semesters combined into one PDF), two letters of recommendation, and test scores) have been attached to the online application. Please submit all documents in PDF format (not Word).  It's best not to submit your application until you have all documents ready.  Once the applications are complete and the application fee paid they are evaluated by the Muma College of Business as well as the ISDS Department and finally by the Office of Graduate Studies who will contact you with an admission decision.  Most application decisions are made after the early admission date. You can check your application status on the .   

What are the application deadlines? 

The ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵGraduate College website has slightly different deadline dates, please use the dates below when applying.  There is limited flexibility with these deadlines, especially for international students, since admissions decisions can be followed by paperwork for international travel, over which the department has no control. Please contact the MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics academic advisor with any individual concerns.

Fall Applications.  July 1 for domestic and international applicants. However, there are limited seats. Please apply as early as possible, preferably by February 1.

Spring Applications. Domestic and International Students: October 15.

What if my application is late by a few days after the deadline?

We do our best to process late applications, but we have limited seats in our program. In the past we have run into situations where we could not accommodate all applicants meeting our general criteria. Since we have no way of knowing how many students will apply in any given year, and are interested in maintaining a full class, earlier applications that meet our criteria are generally accepted without delay. However, in years where we experience strong early interest in our programs, applications that arrive closer to the deadline and after may be screened on increasingly stringent criteria to ensure that our process is fair. Also, our graduate students office is more constrained in its ability to process late applications when interest in our programs is high. Therefore, it is best to apply as early as possible.

How do I apply for this program?

You can apply using the .  

What does a strong application look like?

  • Strong GRE / GMAT test scores
  • Strong undergraduate transcript
  • Strong TOEFL/ IELTS scores (international students only)
  • Two page (maximum) resume clearly identifying your technical work experience (with start and end dates, most recent first) and undergraduate major and grades. 
  • Two page (maximum) statement of purpose incorporating the following topics:
    • What accomplishment (personal or professional) are you most proud of?
    • Any special challenges you have overcome?
    • Why do you want to enroll in our program?

All of our applicants are very driven and well qualified, as inferred from the objective scores we receive.  The statement of purpose is used by the admissions team to learn relevant information about you that may not be conveyed by your 'numbers.'  Please use this opportunity accordingly.  

Does the program consider academic and life experiences to meet the professional experience requirement for admission?

Generally students must have the professional experience. However, students may submit requests to consider differences in various international professional environments. These will be reviewed in order to gain a holistic review of candidates to assist in creating a diverse student body.

Are there any special application instructions?

  • Please scan all required documents and attach them to the online application (resume and statement of purpose should be in PDF format). Do not send any hard copy documents when applying. Once an admissions decision is made the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵOffice of Graduate Studies will contact you for any required hard copies.
  • If you have questions about the online application process, please contact Graduate Admissions at

How can I check my application status?

You can go to to check your admission status.  Note that if your status reads that  your application has been 'referred' to the department, this just means it has left the Office of Graduate Studies.  It is reviewed by several other departments before a final admission decision is made. The Office of Graduate Studies will contact you with the final decision. 

I have questions about the online application, who should I contact?

Below are some common application questions. If you have other queries concerning the online application and required documents, they can be directed to the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵGraduate College at (813) 974-3350 or via email at  Our BAIS Department does not have access to the online application site.

  • What should I do if my GPA is not scored out of 4.0 points?  Just estimate your GPA, we look at your transcripts (all semesters combined into one PDF)  for your grades.
  • My credits are calculated differently, as I am an international student - what should I enter?  Just estimate.  We will not look at this field for international students. 
  • The application asks about a certification, do I need this?  This refers to College of Education graduate students only. Our program does not require a certification.
  • The Office of Graduate Studies websites mention sending hard copies.  Should I do this? Again, please attach all required documents to your online application. Do not send any hard copies until an admissions decision has been made. 
  • How many letters of recommendation do I need to send?  Two letters are sufficient and they can be from supervisors at your place of employment or undergraduate professors. 
  • Do I need to submit a statement of purpose as well as an essay / writing sample?  We will use your statement of purpose as your writing sample; you do not need to submit a separate sample.


How long will it take to complete my degree requirements?  Can I complete the program in one year?

The program requires 33 hours of coursework in addition to any prerequisites and may be taken either full-time or part-time.  Our course offerings are scheduled such that interested full-time students who have already taken all required prerequisites can graduate in the semester a year after they started (e.g., Fall 2025 if they started in Fall 2024)

Part-time students and full-time students who need prerequisites will typically need 2 to 2.5 years to complete the degree.

Can students admitted in one semester elect to use a different catalog rather than the one they were admitted under?

Yes. Students can elect any catalog after their admissions date that falls during their time at USF. So, a Spring 2021 admit came in under the 20-21 catalog, but can switch to the 21-22 catalog during Fall, 2021. Contact Han Reichgelt at if you are interested in doing this.

What courses will I take?

We hope to make a number of changes to the program in the Fall of 2024, and, if approved, you will be required to take the following 6 core courses, each 3 credit hours:

    • QMB6304 - Foundations of Business Statistics
    • ISM6218 - Advanced Database Management Systems
    • ISM6251 - Machine Learning
    • ISM6124 - Advanced System Analysis and Design
    • ISM6225 - Application Development for Analytics
    • ISM6155 - Enterprise Information Systems Management

You will take an additional 15 credits in elective courses, and/or internships or independent studies.  We offer a range of electives in the School, including Advanced Data Science, Advanced Statistical Modeling, Big Data for Business, Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, Data Warehousing, Data Visualization, Information Security Risk and Management, Text Analytics, and many more. You can also take up to 3 credits of approved courses outside the School. Advisors wil work with you to make sure that we find the right mix of courses for you, your interests, and your career aspirations.

I just got admitted. What do I do next?

Please contact the admissions team at at the earliest to have your prerequisites evaluated and get a heads up on choosing classes and registering for classes.

Can I do an Internship?

Yes, the program allows you to do an internship, and we actually encourage students to do so. However, you can only do an internship once you have completed two full semesters, i.e. the following Fall for Fall admits, and the following spring for spring admits.

Can I complete the program online?

Our on-campus program offers a combination of on-campus and online coursework, and you will not be able to complete this program online.  However, we have another program, the Global MS in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics, which you can complete online.  If you are interested in the details about that program, please contact Thomas Stablein on

How technical is the MS in AI and Business Analytics Program?

This is a demo of a class project from ISM 6225. James Long, an MS BAIS student, walks us through a full stack MVC web application on Azure Cloud.

The Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics program bridges the need in the marketplace for people who can serve as the bridge between technology and business. The program therefore offers students a fair amount of flexibility between business (generally considered non-technical) and technology (generally considered technical). However, a common feature of most courses in the program is a focus on understanding technology well enough to leverage it in business. This is in response to business needs for people who can leverage technology and increasingly, data. That said, faculty in the program take great pride in making the content which is generally considered highly technical to become highly accessible.

Students can leverage the built-in flexibility in the program, selecting electives most appropriate for them. Students may even take some approved electives outside the department to further customize their program.

What does the MS in AI and Business Analytics program of study consist of?

The MS in AI and Business Analytics program consists of 6 core classes and 6 electives. 

Which courses can be used as electives?

Five electives may be selected from the available Information Systems electives, or (with prior approval of the MS in AI and Business Analytics program graduate coordinator and the concerned department) other related areas of specialization such as Management, Computer Science, Entrepreneurship, Logistics, Accounting etc. Students can use 3-6 elective hours (1-2 course equivalents) for the practicum option. Electives must be 3 credit courses. Note that ISM6123 (Systems Analysis and Design), and ISM6217 (Database Administration), can be used to meet the prerequisites for the program, but cannot be used as program electives.

How many classes do students take each semester?

Students can take up to 4 classes each semester, subject to scheduling constraints. International student are required to carry at least 9 credits in order to maintain their immigration status (except for summer and their graduating semester). Students working full-time often choose to take fewer classes each semester to balance work and study.

How long will it take to complete my degree requirements?

The program requires 33 hours of coursework in addition to any prerequisites and may be taken either full-time or part-time. Full-time students who already have taken all required prerequisites can complete the program in 3 full semesters of study. Part-time students and full-time students who need prerequisites will typically need from 2 to 3 years to complete the degree.

Is it possible to do a dual MS in AI and Business Analytics / MBA program or MS in AI and Business Analytics and another MS?

Yes. To do so, students must apply to both programs of interest and be admitted to both programs. ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵhas some procedures in place that allow students to use some of the the same applicable courses to meet the requirements for both degrees, thus reducing the required course-work to complete the dual degree. 

I have questions about the program in general, who should I contact?

If, after reading this webpage, you have questions about the online application or the application process in general, please contact the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵGraduate College at (813) 974-3350 or via email at Our advisors does not have access to the online application site.  



  1. ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵis one of the most rapidly growing universities in U.S. Within a span of 50 years since its inception, it has achieved the status of a top-tier research university as per Carnegie Foundation.
  2. The Tampa Bay location is a major advantage. There are many companies in the Tampa Bay area that provide internship opportunities as well as recruit our students.
  3. ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵhas an outstanding faculty (four come from IITs; several have PhD degrees from Harvard, NYU, Purdue, Minnesota, etc; many held previous faculty positions at Wharton, Maryland, Michigan, etc).
  4. We are the only American university so far that Infosys has partnered with in hosting the IT summer school program.
  5. The department is the lead facilitator of the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵProgramming Team and interested MS BAIS students help out with the team efforts.   You can check out their activities on the .