
Receipt Requirements

PCard holders are held personally responsible for any PCard charge that cannot be substantiated as an appropriate business expense. To substantiate appropriateness, PCard holders must submit receipts for all expenses to their reconcilers within three business days of the purchase. Receipts for travel related charges should be submitted to the expense report preparer.

Receipts are required for all purchases, including travel-related charges, regardless of the amount. The cardholder must make every reasonable effort to obtain an itemized receipt from the vendor, including a duplicate receipt if the original is lost.

In rare cases where the receipt cannot be obtained as substantiation, the Request for Exception to Required Receipt Form must be completed by the cardholder and approved by the Department Head and is subject to approval by the PCard (Purchasing) Administrator.

Repeated failure to provide receipts could result in loss of PCard privileges and/or personal liability for the charge.


Travel expenses paid with a ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵPCard fall under the PCard receipt policy, regardless of the amount.

If no receipt or Request for Exception to Required Receipt Form is presented with the expense report receipt package, the amount will be deducted from any amount owed the traveler. If the amount of the unsubstantiated expense exceeds the amount reimbursed, the traveler must submit a personal check in the amount of the difference.


• Individual incidental expenses in an amount of $25 or under that are paid directly by the traveler may be reimbursed without a receipt, except for the following, which always require a receipt regardless of the amount.

• Supplies (a limit of $100 in supplies may be submitted on the expense report)

• Communication expenses (phone calls, internet access, fax needed for business purposes)

• Photo copies needed for business purposes

• Travelers Checks or Currency Exchange Fees

• Laundry expenses (when official business travel extends beyond seven days)

• Visa and passport expenses

• Individual expenses in an amount over $25 require an itemized receipt for reimbursement. In rare cases the Request for Exception to Required Receipt Form may be substituted for a receipt for a reimbursable incidental expense over $25, provided:

  • the receipt cannot be recovered by reasonable means due to circumstances outside the traveler's and department's control and     
  • the expense is reasonable and ordinary and      
  • the traveler has not made previous requests for similar exceptions: Departmental Procedures

Individual departments always have the prerogative to institute more stringent procedures and in some cases may have additional receipt requirements. Travelers should familiarize themselves with both ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵand Departmental procedures prior to undertaking travel.