Research Facilities




The Proteomics Core Facility provides expertise in biological mass spectrometry for large-scale protein identification and characterization, as well as quantitative proteomics-based workflows. The facility is equipped with high-performance mass spectrometers with electrospray ionization sources coupled to nano-flow liquid chromatographs - ideal for proteomics applications.



  • Experimental design
  • Labeling approaches and multiplexing
  • Database searching (MaxQuant)
  • Data filtering and imputation (Perseus)

Routine Protein Identification

  • Immunoprecipitation experiments
  • Purified protein samples

Complex Proteome Characterization

  • with or without relative quantification

Post-Translational Modification Enrichment & Characterization

  • Phosphoproteomics
  • Ubiquitinomics
  • Identification, localization, and quantification

Relative Quantitation Strategies

  • Label Free (LFQ)
  • SIDL

Primary Sample Processing Approaches

  • s-trap
  • FASP
  • SDS-PAGE & gel digest
  • in-solution

Training is provided for undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral scholars (sample processing and database searching).

Major Equipment and Instrumentation

  • Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer (Q Exactive Plus, Thermo) in-line with nanoUHPLC (Ultimate 3000, Thermo)
  • Offline HPLC with Fraction Collection (Ultimate 3000, Thermo)
  • Ingenuity Pathway Analysis Bioinformatics Software -

Fee Schedule

Proteomics Fee Schedule

Other Resources

Location and Contact Information

Proteomics Core Facility
Bio-Science Building, Suite 150
4202 E. Fowler Ave.
Tampa, FL 33620
E: Dr. Dale Chaput