

Summer Internship

IFAAS will not be hosting a formal summer internship in 2024. 

Buried Body Workshop

(40 credit hours) $650
Location: TBA

Course Description

The Florida Institute for Forensic Anthropology & Applied Science presents an advanced workshop for forensic anthropologists, law enforcement, crime scene investigators, death investigators, & medical examiners on how to locate and excavate complex burials. This is an advanced course with hands-on field training, including the excavation of burials & staged outdoor crime scenes using human cadavers from the 国产短视频Human Donation program located at the USF/IFAAS FORT (Facility for Outdoor Research & Training).


(40 credit hours) $575
Location: TBA

This course is designed for new and aspiring forensic artists and current forensic artists on training the key fundamentals of the composite drawing. The course is drawing intensive with a primary focus on developing sound and tangible interview skills. Open to Law Enforcement and medicolegal agencies. Content is in line with the IAI certification recommendations.


Dem Bones Workshop

(contact for credit option) $450
Course Description

Join our summer program for advanced lab methods in forensic anthropology. Sign up for 1 or 3 weeks to customize the program to fit your needs. One week (40 hr) intensive faunal and human bone identification course. This course is great for anthropology and biomedical students, forensic pathologists, crime scene technicians, death, and autopsy assistants. The extension program includes two additional weeks of lab methods training built on the skills covered in Week 1 for a total 3-week summer program (120 hrs). 



Our workshops are catered for individuals engaged in the field of law enforcement, medicolegal agencies, and forensic anthropology. Occasionally, we will accept incoming graduate students interested in associated fields of forensic anthropology and forensic sciences if there are available seats for the workshop.