News & Events

Past Events

Path Dependence in Middle Woodland Ceremonial Landscapes (April 15, 2022)

Codeathon (February 26 - 28, 2020)                                                                                                    Each team, which consisted of specialists in data sciences, microbiomes, health and social sciences, worked to uncover microbiome interactions across the globe by integrating genetics, genomics, clinical data, and geosocial sciences

Darwin Day (February 14, 2020)                                                                                                          In the morning, 国产短视频faculty presented topics regarding evolution to groups of high schoolers from across Hillsborough County. In the afternoon, presenters Dr. Karyna Rosario, Dr. John Parkinson, and Dr. Camilo Zalamea gave talks about various evolutionary topics.

Darwin Day with Dr. Mary Power (February 13, 2020)                                                                  Dr. Mary Power of UC Berkeley presented a talk titled "Chasing Epithemia - The Desired Diatom - From Photons to Food Webs." 

Health and Population of the Mediterranean Basin (November 15, 2019)                              Dr. Mauro Rubini, Dr. Michael Decker, and Dr. Andrea Vianello presented their research regarding ancient DNA and ancient diseases to celebrate being featured on the front page of Science magazine. In addition, they also discussed their plans for future research involving ancient epidemics in Venice, Italy. 

Geosciences Colloquium with Joseph R. McConnell: "Aerosols and Ancient History in Greenland Ice" (November 30, 2018)

Evolution Working Group Symposium: "Epigenetics, game theory and multi-level selection in cancer research" (November 2, 2018)

Inaugural Anthropocene Symposium: People, Politics, and the Environment in the Anthropocene (November 2, 2018)
The concept of the Anthropocene is immersed in politics at many scales, from global political dis-course to community decision-making. Due to the dynamics of modern geopolitics, neoliberal policies and a long history of ecological imperialism, the effects of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts on the Earth and Earth system disproportionately impact people and places with less political and economic power. The science of the Anthropocene itself is situated within a complicated political context, as research may influence policy or be exploited for political purposes. In this event, sponsored by the Institute for the Advanced Study of Culture and the Environment and the Anthropocene Working Group, students, post-doctoral scholars, and faculty from across the University present research connected to this theme, looking at the interplay between the Anthropocene and politics. The keynote speaker, Dr. Christian Parenti, focuses on the environmental history of state involvement in American economic development, from the earliest days of the republic onward.

Christina Richards - Make Our planet Great Again (May 21, 2018)
Make our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) is a Franco-German research initiative launched on 1st June 2017 following the decision of the United States to leave the Paris Agreement on the climate. Professor Richards received the prestigious MOPGA grant award and will be sharing with us the work this will fund on the genetics of invasive species.

Anthropocene Graduate Group Chalk Talk and Social (May 11, 2018)
Graduate students were invited to learn about the diversity of Anthropocene-related research being conducted by graduate students from all disciplines at USF. [Central to the Anthropocene Problem is the realization that no single discipline is capable of addressing something of such magnitude and complexity.] Students shared their research (or research aspirations) with peers in a "chalk-talk" format. "Chalk talks" are 2-3 minute presentations of concepts, questions, or results in which the only aids are a marker/whiteboard.

Philosophy and Climate Science -- Colloquium with Eric Winsberg (April 20, 2018)
In his new book Philosophy and Climate Science (Cambridge University Press), Eric Winsberg shows how philosophy of science can contribute to our understanding of climate science, and how it can also shape climate policy debates and provide a starting point for research. In this talk, Professor Winsberg will give you a brief precis of a few of the central topics of the book, focusing especially on hos climate data are used to support hypotheses, on the nature of probabilities in climate science, and on how climate science should be used to guide public policy.

Mental Maps and Climate Apps: Screen Culture & The Environment Workshop (January 17, 2018)
This workshop was designed for students interested in employment in interactive media curation, sustainability awareness, media management, science education, government and non-profit work, and/or corporate marketing strategies.

Evolution Working Group Darwin Day (November 17, 2017)
As one of several Darwin Day events, this event showcased 国产短视频researchers, Prof. Alex Levine (国产短视频Philosophy), Dr. Ryan Carney (国产短视频IB), Dr. Stephen Deban (国产短视频IB) and the 2018 Darwin Day speaker Dr. Sandy Kawano from the Department of Biological Sciences at California State University, Long Beach.

Evolutionary Working Group Symposium (November 17, 2017)
In the symposium, working group faculty began to map the first series of collaborative publications, proposals, and workshops.

Anthropocene Working Group Symposium (November 15, 2017)
In the symposium, working group faculty began to map the first series of collaborative publications, proposals, and workshops.