Clinical Psychology

Current Graduate Students

Now that you are a graduate student in the 国产短视频Clinical Psychology program, you probably have a lot of questions. Good news: We have answers! The links below will direct you to information that will guide you all the way from selecting classes during your first year to applying for internship and completing your dissertation.

The Ph.D. Graduate Handbook contains information about policies and procedures for all aspects of the program. This should be the first place you look to find answers to any questions that arise.

Looking for a form? Visit Policies & Procedures for Students for all student-related clinical area and general department forms.

Want to know more about current clinical psychology students? View Current Graduate Students page for the list.

Frequently Asked Questions

What classes do I need to take?

Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK)

  • Biological aspects of behavior (e.g., Physiological Psychology)
  • Social Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Affective aspects of behavior (e.g., The Nature of Emotion)

Research and Quantitative Methods and Psychometrics

  • Regression & Lab
  • Multivariate Stats
  • Psychometrics
  • One Additional Methods Course

Clinical Core: Fundamental

  • Introduction to Clinical Psychology
  • Psychopathology
  • Psychological Assessment: Theory and Research
  • Evidence-Based Assessment
  • Clinical Psychology Interventions-Theory and Research
  • Clinical Skills for Psychological Intervention
  • Ethics & Professional Problems

Clinical Specialization Courses

  • Three additional courses from list of Advanced Seminars (At least 3 of the 4 must be within the clinical area).

Other Requirements

  • First Year Project (present at poster session at end of spring semester)
  • Comprehensive exam (General/Integrative) or Major Area Paper
  • Thesis (6 thesis credits, 2 of which are during semester degree is granted)
    Dissertation (12 dissertation credits, 2 of which are during the semester in which the projecct is defended.)
  • A minimum of four years of full-time academic training on-site, this includes a minimum of 90 credit hours.
  • Internship (One year, APA accredited; or in unusual circumstances, a student in good standing can petition to the clinical faculty to be allowed to apply to an internship that is accredited by APPIC (but not accredited by APA).

What is the Typical Curricular Plan?

Note: The below plan is just an example. You do not need to strictly following this plan.

Year I

Semester 1

Regression and Lab: PSY 6217 (4 credits)
Psychopathology: CLP 6166 (3 credits)
Intro to Clinical Psychology: PSY 6065 (3 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 10

Semester 2

Assessment Sequence
      Psych Assessment: CLP 6438 (3 credits)
      Evidence Based Assessment: CLP 7379 (3 credits)
Ethics & Professional Problems: PSY 7931 (2 credits)
Independent Research: PSY 6917 (2 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 10

Year II

Semester 1

Clinical Psych Interventions: CLP 7188 (3 credits)
Clinical Skills: PSY 6946 (2 credits)
Multivariate Stats (3 credits)
Clinical Practicum: PSY 6946 (1 credit)

Total Credit Hours: 9

Semester 2

Psychometrics (4 credits)
Choice of DSK courses (3 credits)
Thesis: PSY 6971 (2 credits)
Clinical Practicum 6946 (1 credit)

Total Credit Hours: 10

Year III

Semester 1

Choice of DSK courses (3 credits)
Choice of Methods (3 credits)
Thesis: PSY 6971 (2 credits)
Clinical Practicum 6946(1 credit)

Total Credit Hours: 9

Semester 2

Choice of DSK courses (3 credits)
Choice of Clinical Specialization (3 credits)
Thesis: PSY 6971 (2 credits)
Clinical Practicum 6946 (1 credit)

Total Credit Hours: 9

Year IV

Semester 1

Choice of DSK courses (3 credits)
Choice of Clinical Specialization (3 credits)
Independent Research: PSY 6917 (2 credits)
Clinical Practicum 6946(1 credit)

Total Credit Hours: 9

Semester 2

Choice of Clinical Specialization (3 credits)
Dissertation (4 credits)
linical Practicum 6946 (2 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 9

Year V

Semester 1

Dissertation: PSY 7980 (7 credits)
Clinical Practicum 6946 (2 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 9

Semester 2

Dissertation: PSY 7980 (8 credits)
Clinical Practicum 6946 (1 credit)

Total Credit Hours: 9

What is the clinical timeline?


Task Aspirational Goal Probation Deadline Final Termination Deadline
Propose M.A. thesis Spring, First Year or
Fall, Second Year
End of Third Year End of Fourth Year
Defend final M.A. thesis Spring, Second Year
or Fall, Third Year
End of Fourth Year End of Fifth Year
Comps or MAP Spring, Third Year Fall of Fifth Year Fall of Sixth Year
Propose dissertation Spring, Third Year or
Fall, Fourth Year
End of Fifth Year End of Sixth Year
Defend dissertation Spring, Fourth Year or Spring, Fifth Year Fall of Sixth Year End of Seventh Year
Attend / complete internship Fifth or Sixth Year End of Seventh Year End of Eighth Year

Goals are meant to keep students on track. However, students and their major professor should aspire to exceed the goals in order to maximize the student鈥檚 academic training while at 国产短视频(e.g., to enhance their CV with additional publications before they go on the job market, to master a new research methodology, etc.).

Probation deadlines are the last possible time that students can complete each milestone and remain in good-standing. Students who fail to meet a deadline will be placed on probation (usually for a one-year period). In conjunction with the major professor and with the approval of the clinical faculty, the Director of Clinical Training will write a letter to the student (filed with the college and graduate school) that outlines the nature of the deficiency and the required remedy. Failure to meet the terms of the probation will be grounds to recommend dismissal of the student from the program.

In extraordinary circumstances (e.g., student鈥檚 serious health problem, massive problems with data collection that are not the fault of the student, such as the new HIPAA regulations) the clinical faculty can allow a student to exceed these established deadlines without penalty.

How does the comprehensive exam work?

Students have three options for their comprehensive evaluation: 1) a comprehensive exam,  2) a major area paper, or 3) a grant application.

Comprehensive Exam

Comprehensive exams consist of a take-home exam with two questions that are general and integrative in nature. These general/integrative (GI) questions may draw from such content areas as psychometrics, assessment, psychopathology, ethics, therapy/interventions, clinical research methods, diversity, development, and history and systems. One of the questions will assess issues in research methods. The other question will require that students integrate knowledge across at least two foundational areas in psychology (i.e., biological, affective, cognitive, developmental, and social) and then apply this integration to the field of clinical science.  Thus, students are expected to gain knowledge in these domains and demonstrate competency by developing a passing comprehensive exam response. 

Comprehensive Exams will be given for the Clinical concentration twice a year: Fall General/Integrative comps will be given on the first Friday of October and Spring General/Integrative comps will be given on the Friday of spring break.  All students will be given the G/I questions at the same time (Friday at 4:00 pm with a deadline of Monday at 9:00 am) for that particular semester. 

Requirements to take Comps

Clinical students must complete the following requirements to be able to take comps: 3 DSK courses, 3 methodology courses, all core clinical courses, 1 clinical specialization course, and the master鈥檚 thesis. One of these required courses may be in progress the semester comps are being taken.

Students must have successfully defended their master鈥檚 thesis two weeks prior to the first day of exams and be approved by their major professor to take the exams.  Please note that this does not mean that students must have the final revisions of the thesis completed and accepted by the Office of Graduate Studies.  However, if considerable changes are required by the thesis committee, the major professor has the option of requiring that all revisions be completed prior to granting approval to take the comprehensive exam. Please see the Request to Sit for Ph.D. Qualifying Examination in Clinical Psychology form, available on the department website. Note: If students defend their master鈥檚 thesis and pass comprehensive exams in the same semester, students must wait until the following semester to apply for doctoral candidacy.

Major Area Paper (MAP)

Students who are in good standing in the major have the option of requesting to write a Major Area Paper (MAP) in lieu of the Comprehensive Examination.

The MAP option is an excellent, highly recommended choice for select students who want the opportunity to pursue an in-depth analysis of a particular topic of interest. Students must realize the possibility that more than one post-proposal meeting will be needed to incorporate faculty recommendations and complete the MAP.


A minimum of three clinical faculty on the doctoral committee (including the major professor) must approval this option.  The major professor should first contact the clinical faculty on the student鈥檚 doctoral committee to discuss whether the student is an appropriate candidate for the MAP option.  If so, the student will provide the three clinical faculty on the doctoral committee with a one-page written proposal for the MAP, which should include a brief rationale and specific aims for the MAP.  This written proposal will be discussed with the clinical faculty on the doctoral committee.  The three clinical faculty members on the doctoral committee will then help the student develop a plan to complete the MAP.  Students may only discuss conceptual issues related to the MAP with their major professors and any other faculty.  Faculty may not discuss or coach students on issues surrounding the actual writing of the paper. The major professor should not see a written product until it is submitted to the committee; however, students may consult with the major professor on the outline of the paper.  Once students complete the MAP, they should submit it to the three clinical faculty members on their dissertation committee.

Scope and Goals of the MAP

The MAP should represent a critical review of at least one area of psychology that has not been reviewed in the last three years.  A sophisticated, critical analysis of the literature is expected. The review should integrate information from within the particular subject area, incorporate material from other relevant areas, and establish implications for the field.  At least one section of the MAP should integrate knowledge across at least two foundational content areas in psychology (i.e., biological, affective, cognitive, developmental, and social) and then apply this integration to the topic area of the MAP.  The manuscript should reflect a synthesis 鈥 not merely a list or description of studies, but a perspective that is greater, more meaningful, and more parsimonious than the sum of its parts.  Use of meta-analytic methods is legitimate and may be a desirable option.  The manuscript should demonstrate the student鈥檚 expertise, involving an advanced awareness of the pertinent theoretical and methodological issues.  Students should closely examine various high quality review journals (e.g., Psychological Bulletin, Clinical Psychology Review, Clinical Psychology Science and Practice) for examples of successful papers.  Students should also ask committee members for good examples of review papers written by other students in the program.


The three clinical faculty members on the doctoral committee should evaluate the MAP. Their approach and evaluative responses should be consistent with other comprehensive exam options.

Grant Application

Students who are in good standing in the major have the option of requesting to write a grant application in lieu of the Comprehensive Examination.

The grant option is an excellent, highly recommended choice for select students who may be interested in submitting a predoctoral grant and plan to pursue a research career. Recommended grant mechanisms include F31, F32, and all K awards, as these tend to be the most universally applicable for graduate students; however, other mechanisms will be considered when appropriate. Students must realize the possibility that more than one post-proposal meeting will be needed to incorporate faculty recommendations and complete the grant.


A minimum of three clinical faculty members on the doctoral committee (including your major professor) must approve this option. Your major professor should first contact the other clinical faculty on the doctoral committee (before you do) to discuss whether you would be an appropriate candidate for the Grant option. You will provide the three clinical faculty members on the doctoral committee with a written proposal for the Grant Application, which often takes the form of a specific aims page (note: this is considered a working draft that may evolve over the course of writing the application). This written proposal will be discussed with the three clinical faculty on the doctoral committee. The three clinical faculty members on the doctoral committee will then help you develop a plan of action to complete the Grant Application. You may discuss with your major professor and any other faculty only conceptual issues related to the project. Your major professor and other faculty members may not discuss or coach you on issues related to actual writing of the application. Your major professor should not see a written product until submitted to the committee; however, you may consult with your major professor on the outline of the application. Once the student completes the grant application, the student should submit it to the three clinical faculty members on their dissertation committee.

Scope and Goals of the Grant Application

Similar to the MAP option, and specified by most grant mechanisms, the application must be a novel conceptualization of the literature and advance the field鈥檚 understanding of the topic. A sophisticated critical analysis of literature is expected as part of the problem conceptualization (significance and innovation). The application should integrate information from within the specific subject area, incorporate material from other relevant areas, and establish implications for the field. At least one section of the application should integrate knowledge across at least two areas of foundational content in psychology (i.e., biological, affective, cognitive, developmental, and social) and then apply this integration to the problem conceptualization and/or proposed research project. The grant application should reflect a synthesis鈥攏ot merely a list or description of studies, but a perspective that is both significant and innovative. The written application should demonstrate the student鈥檚 expertise, involving an advanced awareness of the pertinent theoretical and methodological issues. Students should also ask committee members for relevant examples of grant applications written by other students in the major. 


The three clinical faculty members on the doctoral committee should evaluate the grant application. Their approach and evaluative responses should be consistent with other comprehensive exam options.

What are the policies for placements while I am at 国产短视频and for applying to internship?

Clinical Student Placements

Because of the importance of appropriate clinical training, a Clinical Placement Committee exists to monitor the paid and volunteer clinical, research, and teaching activities of clinical graduate students. Each year, students receive a document that reviews the Placement policies in depth. Students should read this document carefully. The following policies, in particular, should be kept in mind:

  1. Work funded by a mentor鈥檚 grant is not considered a 鈥減lacement.鈥

  2. Students are discouraged from working more than a total of 28 hours per week across paid or unpaid positions, and require approval to do so. Complete adherence to this policy, including full reporting of all work hours, paid or unpaid, is expected of our students. This includes paid and unpaid research, clinical, and teaching activities that are outside the student鈥檚 primary laboratory (please note, for the purposes of this policy, a .50 FTE appointment is defined as up to 20 hours/week). Paid and unpaid research positions not involving direct clinical services (e.g., data analyst, position conducting literature reviews) are still reported as hours worked. For example, formal positions outside your primary mentor鈥檚 laboratory such as clinical intake assessor, primary therapist (on a clinical trial), data analyst, or project director should be reported if it goes beyond your funding source + one externship. Therefore, all formal clinical and research positions (paid or unpaid) outside a student鈥檚 primary laboratory are considered working hours as defined in the extra working hours policy below.

    Exceptions: Extra hours within your research lab or associated with informal research collaborations across laboratories (e.g., data analysis and manuscript write-ups, co-investigators on a research project) do not require reporting. Also, engaging in support hours or extra activities at the PSC, up to 4 hours (e.g., PSC 4-hour externship), are exempted from this policy. However, students must still discuss these activities at the PSC with research advisors.

    Requests to work above typical hours (i.e., funding source + 8 hours of externship) will be denied by the faculty in the absence of very strong justification by the student. If students have strong justifications for working above these hours (paid and unpaid), students can submit an Extra Hours Request Form (see Clinical Placements Policy and Procedures on our program website). It is extremely important that students seek clinical faculty approval prior to accepting any positions above the typical workload. Upon completion of this form, the following steps should be taken: 1. Meet with major professor to discuss the extra hour request and receive approval. 2. Email completed form with major advisor approval to the DCT (with major professor cc鈥檈d). The request will be evaluated by the faculty, and the major professor will have to attend and present the student鈥檚 request during the next clinical faculty meeting for further discussion. The decision to approve such requests is made by the whole clinical faculty, not just the DCT or major professor, and is made based on the specific case of the student progress and training goals. As noted, these requests are rarely approved. Note: See the Departmental Assistantships section of this handbook for the Psychology Department policy regarding number of work and paid hours per week. The clinical program does not have authority over this policy. Students can use the Extra Hours Request Form to first obtain approval from the clinical faculty and then to seek departmental approval for paid work over 20 hours per week.

  3. If students hear about potential paid placements, they should have the supervisor at the potential placement contact the chair of the Placement Committee. Please have the site complete the . The placement committee will review and consult with the faculty.

  4. Note that students have to inform the faculty regarding any work or appointment to which they intend to apply outside of the department or not sponsored by the area (i.e., not part of our externship/placement system) including during the summer. The faculty have vetted the supervisors and placement sites that are currently sponsored by the program, to ensure the best possible training of our students consistent with our clinical scientist values. When new opportunities come up for students, and the above Placement Information form is not appropriate (e.g., summer camp, FBI), students should complete the Outside Work Request Form about this outside opportunity and send the request to the DCT, who is responsible for sharing with the rest of the faculty for approval.

  5. Students are required to carry malpractice insurance throughout their clinical training. A copy of the malpractice verification should be submitted to Shae Krispinsky each year.

Placement Committee

The clinical program has a Placement Committee that serves to integrate external training opportunities with our Program. The Committee oversees all clinical, research, and teaching positions, both paid and unpaid. In addition, the placement committee obtains formal evaluations of placement sites by students, and placement supervisors provide written evaluations of student performance. The purposes of the placement committee are to ensure that:

  1. Students鈥 training experiences and supervision are appropriate for their level of training and consistent with our program鈥檚 philosophy and values.
  2. The process of obtaining placements is fair to all students.
  3. Students receive diverse training experiences.

 See the PSC and Clinical Placements and Externship opportunities for more information.

Internship Requirement

Each student in the Clinical Program is required to complete a one-year, full-time APA-approved internship in a training facility approved by the Program area. Students on internship are allowed to register for a zero-credit course (IDS 6940) while on internship.

Students must have proposed their dissertation successfully before the end of the spring semester in the year of their internship application before applying for an internship. Exceptions may be allowed based on full faculty review only if the major professor, clinical faculty, and student guarantee that the student will propose their dissertation successfully on or before August 31st of that year.