Recent Research
Working Papers
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Selected Publications
Cox, Robynn, Jamein Cunningham, Alberto Ortega, and Kenneth Whaley, "Black Lives and the High Cost of Segregation," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming.
Blair, Peter Q., and Bobby W. Chung, "Job Market Signaling through Occupational Licensing," Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
Heckman , James, and Rodrigo Pinto, "Econometric Causality: The Central Role of Thought Experiments," Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
Heckman, James, Rodrigo Pinto, and Azeem M. Shaikh, "Dealing with Imperfect Randomization: Inference for the Highscope Perry Preschool Program," Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming.
La Mattina, Giulia, and Olga N. Shemyakina, "Growing Up Amid Armed Conflicat: Women's Attitudes towards Domestic Violence, Journal of Comparative Economics, September 2024, 52(3), pp. 645-662.
Chung, Bobby W., and Jian Zou, "Understanding Spillover of Peer Parental Education: Randomization Evidence and Mechanisms," Economic Inquiry, July 2023, 61(3), pp. 496-522.
Giuntella, Osea, Giulia La Mattina, and Climent Quintana-Domeque, "Intergenerational Transmission of Health at Birth: Fathers Matter Too!" Journal of Human Capital, Summer 2023, 17(2), pp. 283-313.
Barbos, Andrei, and John Hartman, "Reputational Effects of Third Party Agents: A Study of the Market for Fine and Rare Wines," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, April 2023, 208, pp. 359-372.
Barbos, Andrei, and Joshua Kaisen, "An Example of Negative Wage Elasticity for YouTube Content Creators," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, November 2022, 203, pp. 382-400.
Munkin, Murat, "Count Roy Model with Finite Mixtures," Journal of Applied Econometrics, September/October 2022, 37(6), pp 1160-1181.
Feng, Lijuan, and Murat Munkin, "Bayesian Semiparametric Analysis on the Relationship between BMI and Income for Rural and Urban workers in China," Journal of Applied Statistics, 2022, 49(12), pp. 3215-3235.
Barbos, Andrei, "Optimal Contracts with Random Monitoring," International Journal of Game Theory, March 2022, 51(1), pp. 119-154.
Baerlocher, Diogo, 鈥淧ublic Employment and Economic Growth,鈥 Economic Theory, February 2022, 73(1), pp. 211-236.
Barbos, Andrei, and Minglu Sun, "The Effect of Awarding Disability Benefits on Opioid Consumption," Health Economics, November 2021, 30(11), pp. 2794-2807.
Baerlocher, Diogo, and Rodrigo Schneider, 鈥淐old Bacon: Co-Partisan Politics in Brazil,鈥 Public Chioce, October 2021, 189(1-2), pp. 161-182.
Baerlocher, Diogo, Stephen L. Parente, and Eduardo Rios-Neto, 鈥淔emale Labor Force Participation and Economic Growth: Accounting for the Gender Bonus,鈥 Economic Letters, March 2021, 200, Article 109740.
Carter, Thomas J, 鈥淒elayed Firm-Paid General Training,鈥 Southern Economic Journal, January 2021, 87(3), pp. 937-951.