Academic Program



All courses count for 3 Credit Hours

IDS 6233 - Concepts and Principles of Sustainability

This course discusses basic concepts and principles of sustainable development, systems integration, and different sustainability perspectives such as local/global and historical/future. Best practices are analyzed through case studies and a research project.

IDS 6234 - Systems Thinking: The Key to Sustainability

The course develops the critical system thinking skills to solve sustainability challenges. It covers quantitative system analysis techniques including environmental impact assessment, life-cycle assessment, cost-benefit analysis and decision analysis.

IDS 6235 - Economics and Finance for Sustainability

The course provides sustainability practitioners with an overview of how economics and finance are expanded in the green economy to optimize the triple bottom line of profits, people, and the environment. Emphasis is placed on both environmental and corporate economics and finance. A real-world project offers students the opportunity to practice their knowledge.

IDS 6272 - Research Methods for Sustainability

This course teaches the processes and procedures for a hands-on, in-depth experience with the research tools, methodologies and the underlying rationale for inquiry. In this course, students can responsibly design and conduct original research or prepare for an internship in their field of study or concentration. Through selected readings and focused lectures, students will learn how to apply research methods for field work and civic engagement. This course will enable students to interact meaningfully with 国产短视频and external supervisors and organizations, adapt to norms and protocols expected in the sustainability field, and be in compliance with relevant regulations. This course gives students the ability to choose and use the best possible methods and tools to achieve their research/internship objectives.

Final Project Courses (3-6 Credit Hours)

IDS 6946 - Sustainability Internship

This domestic or international internship is a capstone course in the Patel College of Global Sustainability program. It is based on an interdisciplinary field study, designed to provide a student with an opportunity to develop a comprehensive in-depth study on sustainability with respect to a specific field. It will also allow students to build strong interactions with external stakeholders who influence practice and policy. During this internship, students will apply acquired theoretical skills to investigate real-world problems and develop innovative solutions to sustainability.

IDS 6935 - Capstone (Research Project)

The Capstone Research Project course provides academic flexibility and viable alternatives to capstone internships. This course is designed to give students a rich and diverse research experience. The capstone research project should be practical research, using quantitative or qualitative methods, with or without human subjects. Each capstone research project will be supervised by your Concentration Director or another qualified 国产短视频faculty member.


All courses count for 3 Credit Hours

ENT 6116 - Business Plan Development 

The first part of the course focuses on developing the effective written and oral communication skills students will need in preparing and presenting their business plans to investors. The second part of the course is focused on how to develop an effective business plan. Student teams will develop a business plan for either an opportunity developed by students or one by an entrepreneur in the local community. Business plans developed by student teams will be presented before a panel of local entrepreneurs for evaluation and critique in a business plan competition format.

IDS 6163 - Environment, Social and Governance for Business Sustainability 

Overview of an ESG framework and how it supports a company鈥檚 overall risk management. Examines a variety of components and provides insight into how they converge to impact a company and stakeholders. Look at key considerations from company and investor perspectives, before applying theory to practice

ENT 6186 - Strategic Market Assessment for New Technologies 

This course focuses on development of techniques for assessing technology merit of new innovations (including development of an appreciation and understanding of intellectual property) and development of strategic frameworks to commercialize new products. It uses classroom discussions, field projects, and technology assessment tools to evaluate investigators' intellectual property portfolios of client entrepreneurs and technology organizations to help create high value licensing opportunities and new venture creations.

ENT 6506 - Social Entrepreneurship 

This course will provide students with real-world, hands-on learning experience to learn how to successfully transfer knowledge into products and processes that benefit society and the entrepreneur. Together, these skills will develop the future leaders of sustainable business and enable graduates to solve complex problems related to sustainability.

ENT 6706 - Global Entrepreneurship 

Entrepreneurship is constantly changing on a global scale with entrepreneurship experiencing radical changes in technology, communications, capital markets and geopolitical frameworks. Today's globally-focused startups are building successful ventures to compete around the globe. In this class students will gain an understating and appreciation for the challenges of conducting business outside the United States gaining knowledge in investor strategies, global supply chains, addressing international customers, and managing employees located around the globe. The challenges these entrepreneurs face, particularly in emerging markets, are some of the most complex and sophisticated for their businesses and the governments under which they operate.


EVR 6216/IDS 6938 - Water Quality Policy and Management 

The course covers the conceptual structure and practical implementation of U.S. watershed-based water quality regulations and policies. Practical application of scientific information and quantitative methods in management/policy decisions for water quality protection.

EVR 6937 - Seminar in Environmental Policy 

Critical assessment of environmental policy and regulatory formulation, implementation, evaluation, and revision in the context of scientific, technological, institutional, political, social and economic factors; case studies of major U.S. policies.

GEB 6457 - Ethics, Law, and Sustainable Business Practice 

Examines ethical and legal responsibilities of business for triple bottom line performance of prosperity, social justice, and concern for the natural environment. This course will expand on the stakeholder analysis method learned in Social, Ethical and Legal Systems. Exploring resolution of issues of such magnitude presents challenging ethical questions. It also requires prioritizing competing stakeholders. This class will open your eyes and heighten your awareness of the far-reaching impact of various corporate actions and help you make decisions when the rules aren't clear. 

GEB 6930 - Environmental Law and Issues 

Introduction to the complex legal and regulatory system of Environmental Law and society's mechanisms for long-term planning for business and sustainability students, the discussion based course covers a critical examination of opposing views of timely issues that affect us all.

IDS 6207 - Renewable Transportation Fuels 

The course provides energy practitioners with a thorough understanding of the technology, business, and financial and sustainability issues of renewable transportation fuels, which are intended to power vehicles and aviation as the economy shifts towards a greener and more sustainable basis.

IDS 6208 - Renewable Power Portfolio 

The course analyzes the market status and growth potential of the portfolio of renewable power sources (solar, wind, geothermal, ocean, biogas), production technologies, economics and financing, infrastructure integration and smart grid issues, and regulatory and environmental aspects.

IDS 6210 - Biosources for a Sustainable Future 

Agricultural and biological resources (bioresources) for producing food, bio-based products, and renewable energy are presented and discusses along with their environmental and climate change impact using an integrated food-energy-water nexus approach.

IDS 6216 - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 

This course provides an understanding of the challenges and pathways to sustainable development. From the framework of the science of planetary boundaries, we will address challenges and solutions to achieve sustainable development in the 21st century.

IDS 6236 - Sustainable Tourism Development: Principles & Practices 

Focuses on environmentally and socially responsible tourism strategies and innovations. Emphasizes establishing policies and management plans to identify and reduce the environmental impact created by tourism facilities and services.

IDS 6237 - Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Management 

Introduction to environmental management from technical and non-technical perspectives. The major topics covered will be water and air quality, environmental sustainability, collaboration, and building consensus.

IDS 6245 - Sustainable Water Resource Management: Doing more with less                            

This course provides an overview of the challenges and strategies for sustainable water resource management for coordinated planning, development, and management of water resources. It will discuss technical, economic, legal and institutional frameworks.

IDS 6246 - Water Sensitive Urban Design 

Cities around the world are facing the challenges of addressing water scarcity, flooding, and waterway health vulnerabilities. It is now well accepted that these issues cannot be adequately addressed by the traditional urban water development approach. In response, new thinking of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Green Infrastructure Planning has become prominent. This course provides methodologies to bring natural processes into the built environment, and to enable the adoption of water sensitive planning and design principles in support of cities making the transition towards livable, sustainable, and resilient water futures. It will focus on green infrastructure systems to provide storm water management and flood protection; maintain healthy waters; provide multiple environmental benefits; and support sustainable communities.

IDS 6247 - Water Resources Planning 

This course provides an overview of water resources planning and introduces students to some of the tools used in water resources planning and management. It will also discuss water quality issues as well as water and wastewater treatment technologies that are important to improve water quality in closing the water cycle loop. Students will use water resources planning tools to develop cost-effective plans based on individual and group project works.

IDS 6270 - Sustainable Food Production 

Overview of global food production systems including both traditional and sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry, and aquatic farming practices, their impact on ecosystems and the environment, and solutions for feeding a rapidly growing population.

IDS 6271 - Future of Food: Environmental, Health, Policy 

Food is an essential resource for human life, but in modern times, food is a commodity connected to a massive agricultural industry designed to feed billions of people. From a sustainability aspect, global food production, processing, packaging, distribution, consumption, and waste have vast implications for individuals, societies, economies, and ecosystems. This interdisciplinary course will introduce students to food as an operational component of the environment, human health, and public policy throughout the world. The course will discuss historical perspectives, current issues, and future outlooks of food sustainability as well as address the global challenges to food security. The course will take into consideration the role of food in sustainable development and discuss the potential impacts of climate change as an environmental stress food supply and social and political conditions as well. Lastly, the course will look at possible trajectories of food design, availability, access, and sustainability into the future.

IDS 6275 - Policy for Sustainability 

This course explores the definition of sustainability policy, how policy can be implemented at all levels of government, the myriad actors involved in policy formation and implementation, metrics used to measure policy robustness, and the politics of sustainability. Policies and case studies pertaining to other Patel College of Global Sustainability concentrations will be presented and discussed.  A class debate and policy-position paper will challenge critical thinking skills.

IDS 6280 - Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation 

This course will use an interdisciplinary approach to explore climate vulnerability and pathways of climate mitigation and adaption. Case studies will be reviewed to provide insight into climate change adaption planning and societal resilience.

IDS 6938 - Entrepreneurship with a Social Impact 

This course will provide students with real-world, hands-on learning experience to learn how to successfully transfer knowledge into products and processes that benefit society and the entrepreneur. Together, these skills will develop the future leaders of sustainable business and enable graduates to solve complex problems related to sustainability.

IDS 6206 - Energy & Resources: Policy, Society and Innovation

This course is intended to provide a broad overview of the global energy landscape - acquainting students with the current state of energy crisis: Limited supply of resources growing energy demand; it鈥檚 impact on society, climate, economic development, sustainability and technology innovation. Various non-renewable and renewable energy options, technologies and their (un)intended environmental and geopolitical consequences will be reviewed and discussed.

IDS 6707 - Envisioning Sustainability

Course teaches how to write, create, and communicate compelling sustainability content using VR, video, animation, multi-media, digital photography, etc.for broadcast media, marketing, public presentations, poster sessions, scientific papers and PSAs

IDS 6276 - Navigating The Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Nexus 

The Food Energy Water (FEW) nexus helps students navigate the complexities of sustainability, using systems thinking and case studies in food, energy, and water to create industrial ecology systems, closing the loop from the solar energy that sustains food production through food waste to new food. 

IDS 6239 - Six Sigma Principles for Sustainability 

The Six Sigma methodology provides a proven framework for businesses and organizations to systematically solve complex problems, and charter a path of continuous improvement. The journey of sustainability in an organization is a 鈥渃ontinuum鈥, and the application of Six Sigma principles is very appropriate for successful implementation of sustainability projects and initiatives. The objective of this course is to learn the various tools of Six Sigma and their applicability, and explore real life scenarios where these tools could be used for long term value creation in sustainability

IDS 6244 - Waste Not, Want Not: Reconsidering Waste, Re-purposing Wasted Resources      

This course is designed to help us deal with and eliminate waste. The course explores all kinds of wasted resources and opportunities with particular focus on organic and inorganic "production and consumption residuals" and wasted energy.

MAR 6336 - Promotional Management 

Management of the promotional function as part of the total marketing program. Includes a study of relevant buyer behavior concepts, resources and budgets, media, creative aspects, and effectiveness measurements as they relate to the management tasks of developing, implementing, and evaluating promotional strategy.

PAD 6307 - Policy Analysis, Implementation, and Program Evaluation 

The course is an introduction to analyzing public problems and program development. Emphasis is placed on the methodological tools for analyzing public problems, and criteria to assess the value of programs in addressing public problems.

PHC 6515 - Food Safety 

This course provides an overview of food safety principles and practices emphasizing the role of food safety in public health. Emphasis is placed on the leading causes of foodborne illness and their associated food groups. Biological, chemical, and physical threats are discussed. Additional topics cover consumer concerns regarding the food supply such as genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and other issues. The role of regulatory agencies and food safety education are also discussed.

PHI 6686 - Climate Change and Societal Evolution 

Climate change is the central challenge for civilization in this century, and it cannot be met by technological solutions alone. For mitigation to succeed, such technologies need to be embedded in a comprehensive societal transformation. This course explores what such a transformation requires--on the levels of politics, economics, education, and culture. We will discuss philosophical approaches, interdisciplinary findings, and features of contemporary societies that are evolving accordingly.

SCM 6006 - Supply Chain Management 

Overview of key supply chain processes and functions, including logistics, marketing, finance, operations, and procurement, and the implications of supply chain management for creating value for customers and other supply chain members.

TTE 5205 - Traffic Systems Engineering 

The course explores traffics models, intersection analysis, and capacity analysis, data methods collection, parking studies, volume and speed studies, freeway management, and advanced technologies.

TTE 5501 - Transportation Planning & Economics 

Fundamentals of urban transportation planning: trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, traffic assignment. Introduction to environmental impact analysis, evaluation and choice of transportation alternatives.

TTE 6315 - Transportation Safety 

The course will cover transportation safety studies, accident data analysis, traffic safety control devices, special population regiment safety, highway conflict studies, accident reconstruction, and tort and liability issues.

TTE 6507 - Travel Demand Modeling 

The course will discuss statistical modeling of travel demand forecasting; emphasis will be placed on the trip generation and trip changing.

TTE 6651 - Public Transportation 

The objective of this course is to create an understanding of public transport by students whose careers are likely to involve interaction with or working in public transportation. At the completion of the material, students should have a working knowledge of the role that public transportation plays in providing mobility. The course will cover the full spectrum of public transportation issues including history and evolution of public transportation, travel behavior and mode choice, public transportation planning, financing, marketing, public transportation technologies, transportation-land use relationships, multimodal planning, service planning and scheduling, strategic planning, and public transportation administration. 

TTE 6655 - Transportation and Land Use 

The relationship between transportation investment and transportation facility design is increasingly being recognized as a critical aspect of transportation and land use planning. A host of topics such as those excerpted above will be the focus of this course. Classes will focus on lectures and discussions of classic and contemporary readings on transportation and land use. Extensive discussion and participation by class members and guest speakers are planned.

TTE 6657 - Sustainable Transportation

Overview & analysis of concepts & designs for sustainable transportation from global-to-local, interdisciplinary perspective, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation. Addresses economy, environment, and equity. Hands on a design project.

URP 6401 鈥 Resilient Communities

鈥淧rovide an overview of the field of resiliency and its planning attributes. The course will be both theoretical and practice driven in nature with a focus on how local governments can become more resilient in the face of climate change.鈥

URP 6406 - Urban Environmental Policy 

The purpose of this course is to examine issues related to environmental planning and policy within the context of the urban/humanly-built environment and its relation to surrounding natural environments.

URP 6422 - Environmental Planning in Coastal Communities 

The content of this course will familiarize students with issues in environmental and urban planning unique to coastal communities, and explore the connections 鈥 current and potential 鈥 between the oceans and coastal urban areas.

URP 6444 - Global and Community Food Systems 

Provides a general introduction to the food system, how it relates to planning and public policy, and an overview of the tools, strategies, and approaches public policymakers can utilize to address food system problems and challenges.

URP 6711 - Multimodal Transportation Planning 

This course focuses on multimodal transportation planning, including planning for roadways, public transportation, bicycling, pedestrians, and the movement of freight. It addresses contemporary transportation planning from a multidisciplinary perspective, reviews the roles of various agencies and organizations in transportation planning, and emphasizes the relationship of transportation to land use and urban form. Related themes include the role of transportation planning in advancing sustainability and livability objectives. A goal of the course is to familiarize urban planning, engineering, and architecture/community design students with the diversity of contemporary transportation issues and multimodal planning best practices pertinent to these disciplines.