Salary Calculator
Salary Calculator
Semester Salary Calculator
Summer Faculty FTE Calculator
Hourly Salary Budget Calculator
These calculators are used for informational purposes only, and should not be considered a representation of actual pay.
Related Resources:
- Click here to see the current appointment dates.
- Summer Salaries for 9 month faculty are based on UFF Collective Bargaining. Click here to see the most current UFF CBA agreement.
Guidance and Examples:
Semester Salary Calculator
At USF, employees such as Adjunct Faculty and Graduate Assistants are appointed for specific contract periods. Each year, HR posts semester appointment dates with the number of pay periods in each period.
When calculating pay on an Appointment Status Form for a semester appointment or entering
an AdHoc Salary change in Manager鈥檚 Self Service (MSS), enter the amount to be paid
for the entire semester or contract period. If you are appointing the employee for
less than the entire semester, you will need to do an adjustment and enter the compensation
rate as though it were for the entire period.
Example 1 鈥 Semester Rate for entire period: You hire a Grad Assistant for the full fall semester
at $5,000. Enter $5,000 in the Comp Rate field on the ASF. No adjustments needed.
Example 2 鈥 Semester Rate for partial contract period: You hire a Grad Assistant for the fall
at $5,000 but the visa process has delayed his arrival until 9/12. Your department
still wants to pay him the entire $5,000 but the appointment date cannot be earlier
than his arrival in the US. Because the appointment begin date is later than the semester
begin date, you must adjust the salary. Enter the start date (9/12/YY) and end date
(12/19/YY) in the actual start and end date fields and 5,000 into the 鈥淒esired Appointment
Rate鈥 field. Use the 鈥淩ate to enter on ASF鈥 of 6,830.99 on the compensation tab of
the appointment status form. The actual amount paid will be $5,000, so enter that
in the offer letter and include in the remarks section of the ASF or print the page
and attach to the ASF.
Example 3 鈥 Semester Rate figured on biweekly amount: You hire a Grad Assistant for the fall
and have agreed on a biweekly pay of $515.50 or $5,000 for the semester. However,
she cannot begin work until 9/12 and your department only wants to pay for the time
she is here and working. Enter 515.50 in the 鈥淒esired biweekly rate: field. The result
of $5,000 is the amount to enter in the Appointment Status Form.
HOWEVER, the actual amount paid will be $3,660 ($515 X 7.1 pay periods) so enter this
actual amount to be paid in the offer letter and include it in the remarks section
of the ASF.
Summer Faculty FTE
Summer salaries for Faculty on a 9-month position are stipulated by the UFF collective
bargaining agreement. Typically, a faculty member will earn the same amount per credit
hour whether teaching in the fall, spring or summer.
Calculate summer pay and FTE for line position faculty based on their 9-month salary
in one of two ways:
- Calculate summer salary and FTE based on number of credit hours teaching.
The calculator will tell you the the FTE, hours and salary on the appointment status form (ASF). - Calculate summer salary and FTE based on specific dollar amount to be paid.
Example, Dr. Sam Smart will be working on a grant during the summer but not teaching. The grant has $10,500 available to pay him.The calculator will tell you the FTE and hours to enter on the appointment status form (ASF).
Hourly Salary Budget
To be used to calculate hourly rate for:
- Federal Work Study
- OPS Student
- Non-Student Position
- Grants and other projects