Faculty Profiles

Dr. Sarah van Ingen

Assistant Professor, mathematics education

van Ingen headshot

Email: vaningen@usf.edu
Office: ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵTampa campus, EDU 202-U

Dr. Sarah van Ingen is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of South Florida where she co-directs the innovative and nationally recognized Urban Teacher Residency Partnership Program. In this role, she partners with Hillsborough County Public Schools’ teachers and administrators to accomplish the twin goals of improving the learning of both K-5 students and prospective teachers. She also teaches courses in mathematics education and teacher preparation at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels.

Dr. van Ingen’s research agenda lies at the intersection of equitable mathematics education and clinically rich teacher preparation. Her research interests include teachers’ use of research to inform practice, the implementation of integrated STEM lessons in K-5 classrooms, and the use of mathematics consultations to meet the mathematics learning needs of students with exceptionalities. She has published articles related to this research in peer-reviewed journals such as Teaching and Teacher Education and Action in Teacher Education and is co-author of the forthcoming second edition of the book, Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners published by Brookes Publishing. Dr. van Ingen regularly presents her research at local, national, and international conferences.

Dr. van Ingen is currently PI of a 1.2 million dollar NSF Noyce Master Teacher Fellows grant and Co-PI on a 3.4 million U.S. Department of Education i3 Grant. She is actively engaged in service at the local and national levels. Currently, she serves as an elected officer for the American Education Research Association’s Research Use Special Interest Group and Associate Vice President and Chair of the Research Committee of the national Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.

Recent Publications:

  • Allsopp, D., Lovin, L., & van Ingen, S. (2017). Supporting mathematical proficiency: Strategies for new special education teachers. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49, 273-283. DOI: 10.1177/0040059917692112
  • Allsopp, D., Lovin, L., & van Ingen, S. (In Press). Teaching mathematics meaningfully: Solutions for reaching struggling learners (2nd ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: Brookes Publishing.
  • Allsopp, D., van Ingen, S., Simsek, O., & Haley, K. (2016). Algebra: Big ideas, barriers, and effective practices for students with disabilities. In B. Witzel & P. Riccomini (Eds.). Bridging the Gap Between Arithmetic and Algebra. Council for Exceptional Children.
  • Ariew, S. & van Ingen, S. (2016). Making the invisible visible: Metacognition and the research process. LOEX Proceedings. Michigan: Pierian Press.
  • Dennis, D. V., Burns, R.W., Tricarico, K., van Ingen, S., Jacobs, J., & Davis, J. (2017). Problematizing clinical education: What is our future? In R. Flessner & D. Lecklider (Eds.) The Power of Clinical Preparation in Teacher Education. Rowman & Littlefield Education in association with the Association of Teacher Education.
  • Dennis, D. V., Jacobs, J., Burns, R. W., Davis, J. vanIngen, S., Tricarico, K., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2015). Hillsborough county public schools and the University of South Florida: Better together. School-University Partnerships, 8(1), 7-12.
  • Dennis, D.V., van Ingen, S., Davis, J., & Mills, D. (2017). Urban Teacher Residency Partnership Program: A Partnership Between the ¹ú²ú¶ÌÊÓƵ College of Education and Hillsborough (FL) County Public Schools. In D. Yendol-Hoppey & D. Shanley (Eds.) Working Together: Enhancing Urban Teacher Quality though School-University Partnerships. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Press.
  • Dupree, L. & van Ingen, S. (2016). Plan to pose purposeful questions. Dimensions in Mathematics, 36, 19-25.
  • van Ingen, S. & Ariew, S. (2015).  Making the invisible visible: Preparing preservice teachers for first steps in linking research to practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 51, 182-190.  Doi 10.1016/j.tate.2015.07.00.
  • van Ingen, S., Davis, J., & Arndt, K. (In Press). The synergy between integrated STEM lessons and culturally responsive teaching in elementary classrooms. Research in the Schools.
  • van Ingen, S., Eskelson, S., Allsopp, D. (2016). Evidence of the need to prepare prospective teachers to engage in mathematics consultations. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 18(2), 73-91.
  • van Ingen, S., McHatton, P., & Vomvoridi-Ivonovic, E. (2016). How do preservice teachers intend to link research to practice? Foundational knowledge for bridging the gap between research and practice. Action in Teacher Education. 38, 175-189.