Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy

Frequently Asked Questions

What percentage of your accounting graduates obtained accounting internships while at the university?

Approximately 93% of Muma College of Business students held an internship, full-time, or part-time job while in school in the 2013-2014 academic year. We estimate that the number of accounting students who pursue traditional internships range from 60-70 per year. In addition, many of our students work full-time or part-time in accounting-related fields, and these numbers are not included in this data.

How can accounting graduates qualify to sit for the CPA exam?

国产短视频 who simply want to take the CPA exam need to meet with an undergraduate advisor to identify courses they need to take to qualify to sit for the exam. 

What percentage of your graduates pass the CPA exam on their first try?

For 2011-2014, our pass rate for the CPA exam was 66%, which is much higher than the national average of about 47%.

What percentage of your graduates obtain full-time employment in accounting positions within 3 months of graduation?

Approximately 41% of graduates who completed our spring 2014 graduation survey responded that they had obtained full-time accounting positions; the average for Muma College of Business is 46%. The survey had a 91% response rate.

Do you have a 5-year combined bachelor's and master's degree program option that satisfies the requirements for becoming a CPA?

Many students interested in continuing their accounting education beyond the four-year degree can opt to pursue a "fifth-year" to complete necessary coursework for professional credentials such as the CPA. This can also be accomplished with a master's degree; however, additional graduate admission requirements apply (GPA >=3.0 and GMAT score >= 500). The master's degree can be completed in 12 to 18 months.

How many students are enrolled in a typical undergraduate accounting class?

Upper-level accounting courses, 3000-level and higher (junior/senior courses in the major), range from 35-50 students per class. Principles of Managerial Accounting and Principles of Financial Accounting courses are required for all business majors and are a mass lecture-style course (approximately 400 students, with breakout sections of 45 students).

What material is covered in a typical accounting class?

You can view videos on myriad accounting course topics on our . These videos provide supplemental instruction for students currently enrolled in our undergraduate accounting program.

How many bachelor's and master's degrees do you confer annually?

In 2014, the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy awarded 312 bachelor's degrees and 51 master's degrees.