

School of Theatre & Dance

College of the Arts

Romeo and Juliet

 Theatre国产短视频presents Romeo and Juliet, the 2006 British International Theatre (BRIT) production.

Romeo and Juliet

Written by William Shakespeare
Presented by the BRIT Program, Spring 2006
Directed by Tamara Harvey
Scenic Design: William Brewer
Associate Scenic Design: Kellan Andersen
Costume Design: William Brewer
Lighting Design: David K. Williams
Sound Design: Robert Pedersen
Makeup Design: Patricia Dennis
Hair Design: Patricia Dennis
Properties Design: Yara Nizan

A man and a woman smile at each other while a man in friar attire watches them from behind.
A woman and a nurse sit on a staircase, the woman facing the nurse and smiling while touching her shoulder. The nurse smiles back at the woman.
A woman lays in bed, unconscious. A man and a woman are kneeling at either side of the bed. Characters at various points on set watch, some standing, all sitting, all expressing mourning by such ways as bowing their heads.
A man stands over a man, who is on the ground, with a sword pressed against his throat. Fpur characters watch from further back on the stage.
The stage is set like a market square. Carts of various wares are onstage, and characters are doing various actions: some are in conversation with each other, some are looking around, some are walking, and on a balcony two men hold a man by each of his arms.
A man reaches up to a woman on her balcony, exclaiming. The woman is smiling at the man, reaching back
Many characters stand on stage in costumes, some wearing masks, in rows.