Policy & Committee

School of Architecture & Community Design Governance

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Universities are institutions based on the principle of Academic Freedom. This constitutes the freedom to discuss all relevant matters in the classroom; to explore all avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression; to speak freely on all matters of university governance; and to speak, write, or act as a public citizen without institutional discipline or restraint.

Protection of academic freedom shall be fundamental to the operation of the SACD.


The fundamental premise of this document is that all SACD Faculty, students, staff and administrators are dedicated to the successful operation and advancement of the mission of SACD in a collegial manner. Collegiality among and between Faculty, staff, and students is required behavior in the School. Faculty, staff, and students shall not speak to each other, or about each other, in a discourteous manner in public settings. Faculty, staff and students shall not use language or exhibit behavior that denigrates people for their age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation.


In order to achieve and sustain excellence in education, the SACD aims to reflect a diversity of cultures with particular emphasis on those that have historically not had adequate representation in decision-making roles. Diversity is the range of human differences, including race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs. Inclusion is the act of welcoming and respecting diversity. The SACD is not currently a multi-campus unit. If unit faculty are hired at branch campuses we will modify our governance and Tenure & Promotion documents to ensure that those faculty are included in matters of faculty governance and T&P to ensure they have a voice in school issues. We recognize the principles of equity of assignment, resources and opportunities of faculty across a multi-campus university.

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Director
  3. Assistant Director(s)
  4. Faculty
  5. Peer Review Committee
  6. Annual Evaluations
  7. Curriculum
  8. Search Committee
  9. Admissions Committee
  10. Tenure and Promotion Committee
  11. Promotion to Full Professor Committee
  12. Governance Document Amendment


The 国产短视频 School of Architecture and Community Design (SACD) is committed to delivering a graduate level education that:

  • Provides a holistic design curriculum through a variety of pedagogical approaches.
  • Encourages individual and collaborative discoveries.
  • Emphasizes continuity between design and construction.
  • Builds technical and professional proficiency.
  • Offers wide ranging global learning experiences.
  • Provides opportunities for engagement with diverse communities.

And for students and faculty to conduct scholarly research and creative activity that:

  • Is innovative, disciplinary, and interdisciplinary.
  • Advances the understanding of the built environment and relative to society and culture.
  • Contributes to theory and practice in the disciplines of architecture and urbanism.
  • Is relevant to local communities.
  • Advances the contemporary state of critical practice.
  • Provokes (stimulates/instigates) critical discourse on architecture and urbanism.
  • Explores (embraces) emerging technologies.

Our aim is to graduate professionals who will be recognized for their design excellence in enhancing the quality of the built environment.


Duties and Responsibilities include:

  • 鈥 The areas listed are: Instruction related activities; University, College, and Unit Governance, Faculty, Staff and Students; Administrative; Development; Marketing; PR; Outreach; Budget; and Facilities.
  • The Director shall serve as an advocate for faculty, staff and students and work to address the needs and concerns of the School.
  • The Director shall seek the advice and consent of the faculty on the hiring of adjuncts, visiting faculty, and staff; assignment of curricular and production responsibilities; and allocation of budget and other resources.
  • The Director will annually review tenured and non-tenured faculty, including adjuncts, visiting instructors, instructors, and tenure earning faculty, based on a class visitation, guest critic appearance, and/or review of faculty activity narrative. All full-time faculty shall submit an annual self-narrative.
  • The Director will oversee the Master鈥檚 in Architecture program (M. Arch) and work closely with heads of the Florida Center for Community Design and Research (FCCDR) and the Master of Urban and Community Design program (MUCD) on issues of budget, personnel and pedagogy, as appropriate.


  • Appointed by the Director as determined necessary to the operation of the SACD.
  • Duties and Responsibilities may include:
    • Organizational liaison between the Director and Faculty, Staff and Students
    • Oversee school scholarships
    • Signatory for the Director as assigned
    • Special projects as assigned


  • Voting member composition:
    o Full-time Faculty on regular lines (tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure earning such as permanent instructors; on non-visiting lines).
  • Non-voting members:
    • Adjunct, visiting, affiliate and courtesy faculty are non-voting members.
  • All Faculty members should attend faculty meetings. Adjunct faculty members and visiting faculty may also request or be asked to attend on occasion.
  • Faculty meetings of SACD will take place once a month or more, when necessary.
  • All full-time faculty are responsible for submitting their annual self-narrative as outlined in Section 5.
  • Functions of Faculty meetings:
    • The function of the faculty meetings is to discuss and decide with the Director all matters pertaining to the purpose and function of the academic unit. These matters include but are not limited to: curriculum, scholarship money, direction and the strategic goals of the unit, student progress, student disciplinary problems, budget allocations, and tenure / promotion (tenured Faculty only).
      o Given the modest size of the SACD faculty, the faculty shall serve, for most governance matters, as a committee of the whole.
      o A quorum for meetings is defined as over 50 percent of the voting members in residence in a given semester. Members of the quorum are present in person, by conference call, or by other forms of telecommunication that allow real-time participation for listening and discussion.
  • Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Appointments:
    • Courtesy faculty are from outside of 国产短视频(typically other Universities) but are not on the SACD payroll; Affiliate faculty members are from within 国产短视频(typically other departments) but not on SACD payroll; Courtesy and Affiliate faculty appointments are made by the Director to promote research, support creative activities, and enhance intra- disciplinary work in support of the SACD academic mission.
  • Faculty Senate Seat: SACD will hold elections whenever the Faculty Senate seat for the school is vacant. The result will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Office.


  • Member composition: all faculty, full-time tenured or tenure earning. The membership of the committee will elect one or two faculty member(s) to serve as chair(s) and facilitator(s).
  • Annually, the Peer Review committee will prepare a narrative statement of the progress that tenure-earning faculty members are making. They will us the FIS Archivum system to provide a full evaluation. It will also include suggestions that will help the candidate successfully receive tenure.
  • The committee will review the annual self-narrative for all full-time regular faculty including visiting faculty, instructors and research faculty. Tenure-track faculty (not yet tenured) will not peer review tenured faculty.


  • Purpose: The purpose of the annual evaluation is to assess and communicate the nature and extent of an employee's performance of assigned duties consistent with the criteria specified herein. Annual Evaluations will be conducted per the 国产短视频 / United Faculty of Florida Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 10.
  • Process: The 国产短视频FIS Archivum system is used in the review process. Faculty must enter an overview of activities following the criteria herein. Faculty are encouraged to submit images of creative works, design studios and so forth as appropriate. Faculty will submit their overview of activities on a calendar-year basis (spring 鈥 summer 鈥 fall semesters) by the start of classes each spring. The Director will review and provide assessments within 30 days of faculty submittal.
  • Criteria: The annual performance evaluation shall be based upon assigned duties, and shall carefully consider the nature of the assignments, in terms, where applicable, of:
  1. Teaching

    Teaching effectiveness, including effectiveness in presenting knowledge, information, and ideas by means or methods such as lecture, discussion, assignment and recitation, demonstration, laboratory exercise, practical experience, and direct consultation with students. The evaluation shall include consideration of effectiveness in imparting knowledge and skills, and effectiveness in stimulating students' critical thinking and/or creative abilities, the development or revision of curriculum and course structure, and adherence to accepted standards of professional behavior in meeting responsibilities to students. The evaluator may take into account class notes, syllabi, student exams and assignments, and any other materials relevant to the employee's teaching assignment. The teaching evaluation must take into account any relevant materials submitted by the employee, including the results of peer evaluations of teaching, and may not be based solely on student evaluations when this additional information has been made available to the evaluator.

  2. Research / Creative Activities

    Contribution to the discovery of new knowledge, development of new educational techniques, and other forms of creative activity. Evidence of research and other creative activity shall include, but not be limited to, published books; articles and papers in professional journals; design competitions; commissioned projects and buildings both built and unbuilt; papers presented at meetings of professional and academic societies; research and creative activity that has not yet resulted in publication or exhibition; grants and contracts. The evaluation shall include consideration of the employee's productivity, including the quality and quantity of what has been done during the year, and of the employee's research and other creative programs and contributions; and recognition by the academic or professional community of what is done.

  3. Public Service

    Public service that extends professional or discipline-related contributions to the community; the State, including public schools; and the national and international community. This public service includes contributions to scholarly and professional organizations and governmental boards, agencies, and commissions that are beneficial to such groups and individuals.

  4. Governance / Administration

    Participation in the governance processes of the institution through significant service on committees, councils, and senates, beyond that associated with the expected responsibility to participate in the governance of the institution through participation in regular departmental or college meetings.

  5. Other Assigned Duties

    Other assigned university duties, such as advising, counseling, supervision of interns, and academic administration, or as described in a Position Description, if any, of the position held by the employee.
  • Ranking of criteria: These criteria are ranked on a 1-5 scale with five being the high ranking:
    5.0: Outstanding
    4.5: Strong to Outstanding
    4.0: Strong
    3.5: Satisfactory to Strong 3.0: Satisfactory
    2.5: Weak to Satisfactory 2.0: Weak
    1.5: Unacceptable to Weak 1.0: Weak

    n/a: Not Applicable


  • Member composition: The faculty will serve as a committee of the whole on major curricular matters, notwithstanding the Curriculum Committee as described below. Said matters will be placed on the agenda of a regular faculty meeting and discussed as required. Additional special meetings may be called to address curricular matters.
  • The faculty initiates, reviews and approves independent study proposals, new course proposals, and other matters that affect the curricula of the SACD. When necessary, issues approved by the School will go to the appropriate college and university committees for review and approval.
  • In addition, the SACD will assess on a continuing basis all architecture and urban design courses, particularly as related to NAAB accreditation.
  • The structure of the curriculum emerges from the collective will of the faculty and director, taking into account NAAB accreditation expectations, professional expectations, overarching pedagogical strengths of the faculty, adjunct faculty and visiting faculty. Academic area coordinators will be appointed by the Director and will meet as the Curriculum Committee. The chair of the Curriculum Committee shall be elected by the committee membership. Academic areas will be represented as follows and should meet at least twice each semester:
    • Undergraduate studio coordinator (includes all design related coursework in undergraduate sequence)
    • Core Studio coordinator (Core 1-3)
    • Advanced Graduate Studio coordinator (all advanced design studios)
    • Technology coordinator
    • History/Theory coordinator


  • Member composition for Graduate Core Admissions: The teaching faculty in the Graduate Core Studio sequence will serve as the admissions committee for Graduate Core applications each spring (three faculty total). A committee chair will be elected. If a Graduate Core faculty cannot participate, the Director will appoint a member.
  • Member composition for Advanced Graduate Admissions: The Director will appoint a committee of three faculty to review advanced graduate applicants. A committee chair will be elected.


  • Member composition: The committee shall consist of all tenured faculty. The committee will elect one member to serve as chair.


  • This document may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the faculty of the University of South Florida School of Architecture and Community Design.

Annual Evaluation Criteria School of Architecture and Community Design

Approved by SACD Faculty, 4.21.2023
Approved by the Provost's Office, 5.5.2023

The 国产短视频School of Architecture and Community Design strives to advance the art and scholarship of architecture globally while generating new knowledge in existing and emerging architectural fields. We seek to achieve this through student success, influential scholarship, research, and creative activities that will position 国产短视频for membership in the Association of American Universities (AAU). We strive to enact change in the profession that is both adaptive and innovative, expanding the boundaries of architectural thought and expression.

It is expected that all faculty members in the School of Architecture and Community Design demonstrate a high standard of quality and competence commensurate with the standards of a research University and with aspirations to the expectations of the American Association of Universities. Faculty members should demonstrate currency in the discipline and in their area of specialization, as well as engage in an ongoing program of professional research and creative activity that contributes to the professional standing of the faculty member and to an expansion of the body of disseminated original work in the discipline. 

A. Expectations in Research

Evaluations should take into account the percentage of assignment. The chair and committee will reference the percentage of assignment in their evaluations (e.g. 鈥淭aking into account an 8% research assignment, the committee finds鈥︹). The use of the single term 鈥渞esearch鈥 at any point in this document should be understood to include both scholarly and creative activity appropriate to the appointment and focus of the individual faculty member. Research in architecture encompasses a broad range of categories dependent upon the sub-discipline of the faculty member. To be considered under this classification, activity must advance knowledge in the field, either through scholarly or creative activity, and be driven by the faculty member with output designed for consideration by professional and scholarly colleagues in and outside of the discipline.

Scholarly and creative activities are those that impact the field and demonstrate substantial achievement within a cohesive research agenda. The following categories are globally recognized research in the discipline of architecture from design and related activities to scholarly engagements in production and dissemination of architectural knowledge (please refer to the more comprehensive list of service activities and point designations in this document). An evaluation of 鈥淥utstanding鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of outstanding research by engaging in scholarly and creative activities that accrue a total of 5 points during the period of evaluation. Those 5 points may be the sum total of any combination of activities and assigned point value as outlined in this document. An evaluation of 鈥淪trong鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of strong research by engaging in scholarly and creative activities that accrue a total of 4 points during the period of evaluation. An evaluation of 鈥淪atisfactory 鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of satisfactory reserach by engaging in scholarly and creative activities that accrue a total of 3 points during the period of evaluation. An evaluation of 鈥渨eak鈥 will be given to faculty who fail to accrue more than 2 points during the period of evaluation. Failure to accrue more than 1 point during the evaluation period will result in an evaluation of 鈥渦nacceptable.鈥

Building design for client
Built project
Office owner or principal
Product design for client
Design Competition entry
Design award
Gallery exhibition (solo or group)

Book author
Anthology editor
Book Chapters
Peer Reviewed publications
Conference presentation / proceedings
Non-Peer reviewed publications
Book reviews
Review journal articles
Review conference papers
Editorial Board / Scientific
Invited Keynote Speech
Grant Development
Grant application (PI or co-PI)
Grant award
Research development
Research that demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion
Research that involves training undergraduate and graduate students
Teaching as Scholarship / Research
Patent Development

Leadership in Teaching Workshops:
Participation in Teaching Workshops:

Meeting Departmental Needs
Publish Paper About Teaching Methods
[Peer Reviewed Article in a Journal] 
[Peer Reviewed Conference Paper]

New Online Course Development
Leadership Role in Teaching (e.g. mentoring other faculty)
Teaching Large, GenEd or Required Courses
Teaching Both Graduate and Undergraduate Courses
Adoption or Development of Innovative Methods
Significant Course Revisions/Development

B. Expectations in Teaching

Teaching related activities must provide evidence of curricular rigor, innovation and/or maintenance at the highest standards as well as commitment to pedagogy of the School of Architecture and Community Design, College of The Arts, and the University of South Florida. Faculty must demonstrate evidence of courses, workshop, student mentoring, supervision, departmental needs, course development, and student evaluation, and revision of existing courses is offered.

Please refer to the more comprehensive list of service activities and point designations in this document. An evaluation of 鈥淥utstanding鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of outstanding teaching by engaging in activities that accrue a total of 5 points during the period of evaluation. Those 5 points may be the sum total of any combination of teaching activities and assigned point value as outlined in this document. An evaluation of 鈥淪trong鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of strong teaching by engaging in activities that accrue a total of 4 points during the period of evaluation. An evaluation of 鈥淪atisfactory 鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of satisfactory teaching by engaging in teaching activities that accrue a total of 3 points during the period of evaluation. An evaluation of 鈥渨eak鈥 will be given to faculty who fail to accrue more than 2 points during the period of evaluation. Failure to accrue more than 1 point during the evaluation period will result in an evaluation of 鈥渦nacceptable鈥.

New Curriculum Development
Curriculum Development
Course Materials Organized, Complete and Well Presented
Course Content and Rigor Appropriate to the Program
Additional Teaching Time (beyond 9hrs.)
Demonstrated Outreach to Students to Meet Their Needs

Demonstrated Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion of:
Underserved/ Underrepresented Minorities.
Community Engaged Courses
Invited Instructor
Teaching Awards

Student Mentoring
Undergraduate/Graduate Student Mentoring
Teaching Assistant Education
Supervising Interns
Students Present at Conferences
Student Work Recognition (Award)
Student Work Recognition (Invited Exhibition, Other)
Master鈥檚 Project Chair
Master鈥檚 Project Committee Member
Invited Master鈥檚 Project Committee Member [Outside]
Doctoral Dissertation Chair
Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member
Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member [Outside]

Student鈥檚 Evaluation
Delivery Efficiency
Effectiveness Content Delivery Strategies
Assignment Reflection on Course鈥檚 Syllabus

C. Expectations in Service

This area comprises activities that further the mission of the School of Architecture and Community Design, College of The Arts, and the 国产短视频, contribute to the profession, and meet the needs of the community.

Contributions to service may include, but are not limited to, the following (please refer to the more comprehensive list of service activities and point designations in this document):

Outreach to an international/Domestic institution
Service that demonstrates a commitment to diversity and
Inclusion of underserved and/or underrepresented minorities
Organize student travel (international/domestic
Participation in design reviews
Participation in end of semester activities, Open house, Studio Walk-thru.
Participation in the Portfolio review process
Acting as a Design Studio coordinator
Mentoring junior faculty
Student advising and letters of recommendation
Advising student government organizations
Recruitment of students or faculty
Outreach to the community, schools, businesses, government.
Committee membership
Review of conference papers, journal articles, books
Serve as an Editor or on editorial boards
Leadership role in a professional organizations
Organize a symposium or part of a conference
board member
event participation
member of the AIA

Because service is part of each faculty member鈥檚 contract with the University, it is appropriately evaluated as part of any performance review. In evaluating service-related activities, the Director will examine all aspects of a candidate鈥檚 service and will not rely on a single measure of performance. As a department we recognize that the service load will differ among faculty and across ranks (e.g., tenureearning faculty will have fewer service-related activities than tenured faculty). Applicants are fully responsible for providing evidence of their own service-related activities. In their service narratives, faculty members should briefly indicate level of responsibility to help the Director understand the specific service commitments. 

Service falls into three general categories: to the university, to the profession, and to the community. University service is further broken down into service to the department, the college, and the university at large. Faculty will be evaluated on a 1-5 point system determined by points assigned to various service activities as agreed upon by the SACD faculty and outlined in this document.

An evaluation of 鈥淥utstanding鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of outstanding service by engaging in service activities that accrue a total of 5 points during the period of evaluation. Those 5 points may be the sum total of any combination of service activities and assigned point value as outlined in this document. An evaluation of 鈥淪trong鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of strong service by engaging in service activities that accrue a total of 4 points during the period of evaluation. An evaluation of 鈥淪atisfactory 鈥 will be given to faculty who demonstrate a record of satisfactory service by engaging in service activities that accrue a total of 3 points during the period of evaluation. An evaluation of 鈥渨eak鈥 will be given to faculty who fail to accrue more than 2 points during the period of evaluation. Failure to accrue more than 1 point during the evaluation period will result in an evaluation of 鈥渦nacceptable鈥. 

SACD Faculty Evaluation Draft


Outstanding: 5

Strong: 4 Satisfactory: 3 Weak: 2 Unacceptable: 1
Design work
Building design for client (2yr)
(including USF)
Built project (3-5yrs)  5
Office owner or principal  3
Product design for client (2yr) 5
In production  5
Misc. design for client (1-2yr) 5
Design Competition entry 3
With recognition  5
Design award  
Local 5
National (2yrs) 5
Book author (3-5 yrs) 5
Anthology editor (2yrs) 5
Book Chapters peer reviewed (1-2yr)  5
Book Chapters (non-peer reviewed)  3
Peer Reviewed publications ( 1yr) 5
Non-Peer reviewed publications 3
PhD dissertation: (3yrs if at sacd) 5
PhD defense 5
Book reviews 2 each
Citations  1 each
Review journal articles 1 each
Review conference papers 1 each
Editorial Board / Scientific 2
Grant Development  
National 2
Regional 2
Local 2
University 1
Grant application (PI or co-PI)  
National 5
Regional 5
Local 5
University 2
Grant award  
National (1-3 yrs) 5
Regional (1-3 yrs) 5
Local (1-3 yrs) 5
University 3-5
Invited Keynote Speech 5
International/National/regional 5
Local 3
Gallery exhibition (solo or group) 3
Peer reviewed (2yr) 5
Invited exhibition (2yr) 5
Misc. Presentation 2
Invited 3
Peer reviewed 5
Conference paper submitted 3
Accepted (4)
Conference abstract submitted 2
Accepted (4)
Conference presentation 2
Conference proceedings 1
Presentation award/recognition 3
Web presence 1-5
Peer reviewed vs. not peer reviewed, impacts, etc.  
Fellowship Applications 2
Fellowship award (1-3yr) 5
Research Reports/Recommendations 5
(Urban or Community Reports
Prepared by Florida Center)
Research development 1 ea. (3 max.)
(Study, software, writing, 
painting, travel, etc.) 
Research that demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion 1
Research that involves training undergraduate and graduate students 1
Teaching as Scholarship / Research 1-5
Studio travel research  
International Travel 3
Domestic travel 2

*Points can be carried over from year to year.

Outstanding: 5 Strong: 4 Satisfactory: 3 Weak: 2 Unacceptable: 1
New Curriculum Development 3
Curriculum development 1 point
Course materials organized, complete and well presented  1 point
Course content and rigor appropriate to the program 1 point
Additional teaching time (beyond 9hrs.) 1
Demonstrated outreach to students to meet their needs 1 point
Demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion of underserved/ underrepresented minorities.  1 point
Community engaged courses 2
Invited instructor 2-5
Teaching awards  5 point
leadership in teaching workshops   
Internal 3
participation in teaching workshops
Internal 1
External 2
Student Mentoring
Undergraduate/graduate student mentoring 2 point
TA education  2
Supervising interns 1 point
Students present at conferences 1 point
Student work recognition (award) 2
Student work recognition (invited exhibition, Competiton, etc.) 2
Student competition mentoring  2
Master鈥檚 thesis chair 1 ea.
Master鈥檚 thesis committee member 1 ea.
Invited Master鈥檚 thesis committee member [outside] 2
Doctoral dissertation chair 2
Doctoral dissertation committee member 1
Doctoral Dissertation Committee member [outside]  2
Meeting Departmental Needs
Publish paper about teaching methods  
[peer reviewed article in a journal] 5 point
[peer reviewed conference paper] 3
New Online course development 5
Leadership role in teaching (e.g. mentoring other faculty) 3 point
Teaching large, GenEd or required courses 2 point
Teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses  2
Adoption or development of innovative methods 2 point
Significant course revisions/development 2 point
Outstanding: 5  Strong:4 Satisfactory: 3 Weak: 2 Unacceptable: 1
Service to the University
Start International exchange program 
(3 years)
Manage International exchange program
(Each year)
Chair International Study Group 5
Member of an international study group 2
Outreach to an international institution  2-5
Outreach to a national institution 2-5
Service that demonstrates a commitment to diversity and Inclusion of underserved and/or underrepresented minorities 2 point
membership 1
Departmental Committee work 2 ea.
College Committee work 2 ea.
University Committee work  2 ea.
Chair a Committee 3
Faculty Senator  5
Student Travel  
Organize student travel (international) 3
Organize student travel (domestic) 2
Participation in design review 1 ea.
Open house pin up 1 ea.
Faculty walkthru 1 ea.
Portfolio review 1 ea.
Studio coordinator 3
Service to community
Outreach to public schools 2-5 point
Outreach to businesses 2 point
Outreach to government 2 point
High School and Middle School Summer Camp 5 point
Other kinds of documented community engagement 2-5 point
Service to the profession
Committee membership 1
Review journal articles 2 each
Review conference papers 2 each
Review books or articles for an editor 2 point
Serve on Editorial Boards 3 point
Serve as an Editor for a journal 5 point
Leadership role in a professional organization 5 point
Organize a symposium or part of a conference (2 years) 5 point
board member 5
committee membership 1
event participation 1
member of AIA
other, tbd

Approved: 06.10.2020
Amended: 09.23.2020
Approved by the Provost鈥檚 office 1-21-2021
Annual Evaluation Criteria School of Architecture and Community Design Approved by SACD Faculty, 4.21.2023
Approved by the Provost's Office, 5.5.2023