ࡱ> {}z{ 65bjbjzz 46-DD,,2t     1111111$462lll2  (20l"  1l1.0 0pny/1X2<2/6L7L7,0L70 Y222llllL7D d: Template to be Used for Faculty Evaluation Reports Dear colleagues, The data supplied according to the following template are the primary source of information used by the members of the Merit Evaluation Committee as they rate your record over the past 3 calendar years (January to December). It is crucial that the data be presented in a consistent and uniform manner so that variance in the ratings is not due to incomplete, or inconsistent, organization of the data in any one report. For this reason please use this particular template to organize your report. Do not submit a template from a previous year because the Departmental format continues to evolve in response to upper administration and Merit Evaluation Committee feedback. Cut and paste information from previous years into this template. The data must be presented in the order dictated by the template. It is crucial that you use these exact categories, under the specified headings. We will be cutting and pasting from your documents into a database required by USF, so please help us by following this format. If you do not have information to provide in any particular area, please leave a blank space but do not delete the heading. Instructions We request data for the past three years. Please pool the data over the entire 3 year period in each category of the template. Thus, use the following format: 2008 2010 The Senates Committee on the Color of Waste Paper Baskets Rather than 2008 The Senates Committee on the Color of Waste Paper Baskets 2009 The Senates Committee on the Color of Waste Paper Baskets 2010 The Senates Committee on the Color of Waste Paper Baskets That is, do not repeat items that occur in multiple years. Please begin Parts A, B, and C with lists of accomplishments. The narrative sections have moved to the end of the report instead of appearing within each section. When in doubt, be brief and direct in your narrative. Although you should describe clearly the importance of your work, narrative descriptions that appear to be exaggerations annoy the raters rather than impress them. Please submit your current CV with this report. The CV and report may be submitted electronically to Carrie Jewett. Section A7. Research Impact. Indices of impact include, for example, citation counts for the period, awards and honors, invited presentations, citations in major reviews and books, published work by other investigators that explicitly traces itself to your publications and ideas, invitations to serve on major panels and task forces, and service in major editorial and national positions. You should also include a discussion of evidence of the impact of your work in the narrative section. Section B6. Teaching Impact. It is not easy to assess and document the impact of teaching, especially in the short term. Furthermore, our student body and teaching styles are so diverse that no single index of teaching impact may suffice. We ask you, therefore, for any information you may have on the subject. Indices of impact include, for example, undergraduate students accepted in graduate programs, graduate students and post docs gaining employment in the field, awards and honors, chapters and peer reviewed publications with current or former students and post docs where research was conducted while student/post doc was at Ƶ(indicate these co-authors in Section A4), and other successes of current or recent students. Any evidence of student learning is acceptable. Discuss impact separately for undergraduate and graduate students. Research Narrative. Even though you may believe that the enumeration of projects, grants and publications is sufficient in detailing your work over the past three years, it is important that you also provide a narrative that explicates your research activities. A simple listing of activities may not provide the evaluation committee with enough background information to form a knowledgeable rating of your activities. For instance, it is important that you describe your program of research and place your contributions to knowledge in the context of the field. Also, it is important that you outline the significance of your own work to the specific area of psychology wherein your research is most aligned. You may also discuss the challenges (e.g., time) in conducting your research and how your current work fits with your future goals. Your narratives will become part of the FAIR system, so recognize that people outside the Department may read these. Teaching Narrative. Please describe the instructional activity listed above that was particularly innovative, important, interesting, intensive, or effective. It is important that you outline the specific activities in which you engage within your classroom or other teaching experiences that may not be readily apparent from a simple listing of activities. For instance, your specific course requirements may entail work on your part (e.g., homework assignments, papers) that should be outlined in more detail even when they are described in the syllabi you attach. Additionally, your research supervision and committee work may need further elaboration. You might also describe efforts to improve courses and curricula. Service Narrative. Please describe the nature of the service listed above, highlighting those activities that represented a heavy workload or where your contributions involved important policy decisions or resulted in particularly effective outcomes. Thus, for example, the narrative on Service should clarify what was involved in any committee. The evaluators may think that the Senate committee on the Color of Waste Paper Baskets is a trivial assignment. It will be useful, therefore, if you explain that "...this assignment has proven unusually complex. The Irish and Islamic Student Associations argued that we need to retain the green baskets (though they had different opinions about the shade of green). The Hillel students argued that we should not allow symbols of Hamas in every classroom. The committee heard testimony for several 3 hour sessions, read the entire transcript of the Al Arian trial and eventually negotiated an arrangement where each basket was green, blue and white..." Note: This year we will arrange for the departments offices to supply some of the information such as courses taught, enrollment, student evaluations, and so on. In each case you will receive the information and it will be your responsibility to check it for accuracy. Once submitted, we will assume that you accept the accuracy of the data. Annual Report NAME RANK 2010-2012 Research and Impact Include only published and in press/accepted items in categories 1-4. All citations must be in APA format. Please bold the names of all coauthors that were Ƶstudent collaborators at the time the work was done. 1a. Books authored (2010-2012) 1b. Books edited 2. Chapters 3. Articles in refereed journals (only refereed journals!) 4. Other publications/presentations a. Abstracts b. Proceedings c. Conference papers/posters (international/national/regional only) d. Talks at other universities or external organizations e. Dictionary/encyclopedia entries f. Book reviews g. Non-refereed journals h. Other 5. Work submitted and under review (papers accepted for publication should be listed as in press in section 3.) 6a. Externally funded research grants: In each case give title, total amount direct, your role (e.g., PI, co-PI), granting agency, total time period, and disposition (for b and d). a. Research grants newly received during the period b. Research grants newly submitted during the period c. Competitive renewals received for the period d. Competitive renewals submitted for the period e. Ongoing research grants received before the period 6b. Internally funded research grants: In each case give title, total amount direct, your role (e.g., PI, co-PI), total time period, and disposition (for b and d). a. Research grants newly received during the period b. Research grants newly submitted during the period c. Competitive renewals received for the period d. Competitive renewals submitted for the period e. Ongoing research grants received before the period 7. Impact B. Teaching 1. If your teaching assignments varied from two courses per semester in any given semester for the reporting period, please explain the reason (e.g., course reduction due to research buy-out, start-up agreement; partial appointment elsewhere; voluntary overload). List all courses taught 2010-2012 and mean teaching ratings. Use data supplied by the department, which should be inserted into your report. Examine the department data for errors. Inform Carrie of any errors so she can correct the database for next year. Add any courses that do not appear in the department database. You may either cut and paste electronically, or insert paper copies following this page. Please also include syllabi for the courses you taught, including only the most recent syllabus for the classes you taught multiple times. Again cut and paste electronically or insert pages near here. 3. List students supervised (use tables below with 1 name per line). Begin with data supplied by the department, and add students, if any are missing from the list (e.g., students from other departments). Do not list students repeatedly by year but collapse over the three year period. Please include (a) a flag to distinguish between chaired and co-chaired committees (write co-chair by appropriate committees), (b) a departmental identifier for students outside Psychology (e.g., Jane Doe, Biology), (c) a list of students who worked for you as teaching assistants (lab instructor or course assistant). ActivityNames Total #PhD chaired and completedPhD chaired and in progressPhD committee memberMA chaired and completedMA chaired and in progressMA committee memberHonors thesis chairedHonors thesis committee member ActivityNumber of studentsDirected/independent study graduateDirected/independent study undergraduateClinical supervisionPost doc supervisionTeaching Assistant supervision 4. Other instructional activities (e.g., new courses developed, instructional materials developed, CTE workshops taken, teaching supervision, teaching workshops given) 5. Instructional grants: In all cases give title, total amount, your role, granting agency, total time period, and disposition (for b) a. Instructional grants newly received during this period b. Instructional grants newly submitted during this period c. Ongoing instructional grants received before this period 6. Impact (See Instructions section above) C. Service (Use the following tables. Do not list the same activity more than once.) 1. Professional (2010-2012) PositionTime periodJournal/Scientific or Professional Organization/AgencyEditorships Associate EditorshipsConsulting Editorships/Board memberAd hoc journal issue editorshipsAd hoc journal reviewingReviewing for book publisherReviewing of grant proposalsNational or intl office (include office)National or intl committee (include committee)Other (e.g., tenure reviews, intl. dissertation reviews) 2. University and College CommitteeTime Frame 3. Department CommitteeTime Frame 4. 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