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AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION US Immigration and Ethnic History; Comparative Migration, Italian migration, US Radical movements, 19th and 20th Century Italian History. AWARDS Book Award Recipient of the Oral History Associations Best Book of the Year award for 2017: The Asaba Massacre: Trauma, Memory, and the Nigerian Civil War, Cambridge University Press, 2017. National Research Awards and Grants (recent) American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Collaborative Fellowship, 2015. CURRENT RESEARCH Book Migration, Labor, and the Shaping of Ethnic Identity: Italian Immigrants in the United States, 1880-1940. PUBLICATIONS Books Assassins against the Old Order: Italian Anarchist Violence in fin-de-sicle Europe, co-author, University of Illinois Press, 2018. The Asaba Massacre: Trauma, Memory, and the Nigerian Civil War, co-author, Cambridge University Press, 2017. Recipient of the Oral History Associations Best Book of the Year award for 2017. The Performance of Memory as Transitional Justice, co-editor, Intersentia, Cambridge, UK, 2015. Letters from the Spanish Civil War: A U.S. Volunteer Writes Home, co-author, Kent State University Press, 2013. Italian Workers of the World: Labor Migration and the Formation of Multiethnic States, co-editor, University of Illinois Press, 2001. The Communist Party of the United States from the Depression to World War II, Rutgers University Press, 1991. Graphic novel Brigadistas! An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War, co-author and preface, Monthly Review Press, 2022. Article, Essays (selected list) Mussolinis Column: Fascist Memorials and the Politics of Italian-American Identity in Chicago, Italian American Review, Vol 12, No.1 (Winter 2022):86-107. Fascism and Anti-Fascism among Italians in Argentina and the United States, co-authored, in Atlantic Crossroads: Webs of Migration, Culture and Politics between Europe, Africa and the Americas, 1800-2020, Jose Moya ed., New York: Routledge, 2021 The Asaba Massacre and the Nigerian Civil War: Reclaiming Hidden History, co-authored, in Postcolonial Conflict and the Question of Genocide: The Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967-1970, A. Dirk Moses and Lasse Heerten eds., New York: Routledge, 2018, 412-432. Earlier version of this essay was published in the Journal of Genocide Research, Vol. 16, Issue 2-3, 2014, 379-399. Militants and Migrants: A New Model for the Study of International Labor Activism, Nation-building, and Identity, Journal of American Ethnic History, Vol 37, No. 1 (Fall 2017): 40-45. Introduction, co-authored, in The Performance of Memory as Transitional Justice, Intersentia, Cambridge, UK, 2015, 1-3. The Asaba Memorial Project: Negotiating a Community Collaboration, co-authored essay, in The Performance of Memory as Transitional Justice, Intersentia, Cambridge, UK, 2015, 135-151. Mussolini aux Etats-Unis: fascisme, antifascisme, politique transnationale et dfinition de lidentit italo-amricaine essay in Immigration et Travail aux Etats-Unis, Benedicte Deschamps and Isabelle Richet eds., Paris: LHartman, 2013, 67-81. Nord America: emigrazione e politica transnazionale nel processo di definizione dellidentit italoamericana in Una grande Italia oltre lItalia: Lemigrazione nella storia unitaria, Forum Centro Studi, Partito Democratico: Rome May 2012, 103-124. Salvemini, gli italo-americani e il fascismo, in Il prezzo della libert: Gaetano Salvemini in Esilio (1925-1949), Patrizia Audenino ed., Turin: Rubbettino, 2009, 65-74. Internationalism and the Shaping of National and Ethnic Identity: Italian American Anti-Fascist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, Journal of American Ethnic History, (December 2007): 9-31. Diaspora or International Proletariat? Italian Labor, Labor Migration, and the Making of Multiethnic States, 1815-1939, (in Italian) Storia e Intercultura, journal of the Fondazione Paolo Cresci per la storia dellemigrazione italiana, Lucca 2007. [first published in English in 1997.] Hoy nuestra patria est en Madrid, El antifascismo y el modelado de la identidad tnica, essay in La Guerra Civil Espaola, Santos Juli editor, 2009. The New York City Left and the Spanish Civil War, essay in Facing Fascism: New York City and the Spanish Civil War, Peter Carroll and James D. Fernandez editors, New York: NYU Press and the Museum of the City of New York, 2007. [The volume was simultaneously published in Spanish by the same press.] Mussolini East Harlem: police fasciste et la communaut italo-amricaine, essay in Les Petites Italies dans le monde, Marie-Claude Blanc-Chalard editor, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007, 261-271. Arturo Giovannitti: Limpegno antifascista essay in Il bardo della liber: Arturo Giovannitti (1884-1959), Norberto Lombardi editor, Isernia: Cosmo Iannone, 2007. Da lotta di classe allinizio del secolo XX alla guerra dEtiopia: appunti sulla storia della sinistra Italo-Americana, essay in La passione della storia: Scritti in onore di Giuliano Procacci, Francesco Benvenuti, Sergio Bertolissi, Roberto Gualtieri, Silvio Pons, eds., [The Passion of History: Essays in Honor of Giuliano Procacci], Rome: Carocci, 2006, 194-207. Laboring Across National Borders: Class, Gender and Militancy in the Proletarian Mass Migration, co-author, International and Working-Class History, (October 2004): 57-77. Introduction, co-author in Italian Workers of the World: Labor Migration and the Formation of Multiethnic States, Gabaccia and Ottanelli editors, Illinois University Press, 2001, 1-17. `If fascism comes to America we will push it back into the ocean Italian American Antifascism in the 1920s and 1930s, in Italian Workers of the World: Labor Migration and the Formation of Multiethnic States, Gabaccia and Ottanelli editors, Illinois University Press, 2001, 178-195. Fascist Informant and Italian-American Labor Leader: the Paradox of Vanni Buscemi Montana, The Italian-American Review vol. 7, n. 1, (Spring-Summer 1999):104-116. Il radicalismo italiano negli Stati Uniti: marchigiani nel Casellario Politico Centrale (1890-1940), in Proposte e Ricerche: Economia e societ nella storia dellItalia centrale, Ancona, Italy, 1997, 552-565. Diaspora or International Proletariat? Italian Labor, Labor Migration and the Making of Multi-ethnic States, 1815-1939, co-author, Diaspora: A Journal of International Studies, (Spring 1997): 61-84. Review Article All in the Family, review article of Ferdinando Fasce's Tra due sponde: Lavoro, affari e cultura tra Italia e Stati Uniti nell'et della grande emigrazione, [Between Two Shores: Work, Business, and Culture between Italy and the United States in the Age of Great Migration] and Una famiglia a stelle strisce: Grande guerra e cultura dimpresa in America [An AllAmerican Family: World War I and Business Culture in the United States], in Reviews in American History (September 1994):468473. Encyclopedia entries 1. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, in Encyclopedia of the American Left, Mary Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle and Dan Georgakas editors, third edition, Oxford University Press, forthcoming. 2, Italian-American Antifascism, in Encyclopedia of the American Left, Mary Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle and Dan Georgakas editors, second edition, Oxford University Press: New York 1998. 3. [1]Earl Browder and [2] Il Partito comunista degli Stati Uniti, in Dizionario del comunismo nel XX secolo, Silvio Pons and Robert Service editors, Einaudi: Turin, 2006 and 2007. English translation titled Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism was published by Princeton University Press in 2010. 4. American Jews and the Spanish Civil War, entry in the Encyclopedia of American Jewish History. Stephen H. Norwood and Eunice G. Pollack, editors. ABC-CLIO, September March 2007. Published interview Sulla societ urbana americana: recenti riflessioni e un'intervista a Fraser Ottanelli [Urban society in the United States: Recent Studies and an Interview with Fraser Ottanelli] in Giornale di Storia Contemporanea [Italy] (June 2002):201-215. Book reviews Antonio Senta, Luigi Galleani: The Most Dangerous Anarchist in America. AK Press, in Anarchist Studies.Vol 30, Issue 2, (Autumn 2022):115-117. Danielle Battisti, Whom We Shall Welcome: Italians Americans and Immigration Reform, 1945-1965, Fordham University Press, in The American Historical Review, Vol. 126, Issue 2, (June 2021):825-826. Phyllis Cancilla Martinelli and Ana Varela-Lago, Hidden Out in the Open: Spanish Migration to the United States (1875-1930) in Journal of American History, Vol. 107, Issue 1, (June 2020): 217. Dan Lynn Watt, History Lessons: A Memoir of Growing Up in an American Communist Family, in The Volunteer (December 2018.) Adam Hochschild, Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, in Journal of American History, Vol. 104, Issue 2, (September 2017): 528. Eric Smith, Spain and the US Home Front, in The Volunteer (September 2014.) Ilham Khuri-Makdisi The Eastern Mediterranean and the Making of Global Radicalism, 1860-1914, in The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, (October 2012):845. [Israel] Jennifer Guglielmo, Living the Revolution: Italian Womens Resistance and Radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945, in Labor: Studies and Working-Class History of the Americas, (Spring 2012):147-149. Beverly Gage, The Day Wall Street Exploded: A Story of America in Its First Age of Terrorism, in Italian American Review, (Winter 2011):99. Moshik Temkin, The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair: America on Trial, in Journal of American History, (March 2010):532. Cecil D. Eby, Comrades and Commissars: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War, in The Historian, (summer 2009):435-436. Stefano Luconi and Guido Tintori, LOmbra lunga del fascio: canali di propaganda fascista per gli italiani dAmerica, [The Long Hand of Fascism: Fascist Propaganda for Italians of America] in Journal of American History, (September 2006): 571. John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, In Denial: Historians, Communism and Espionage, in Science & Society, (July 2006):421-423. Stefano Luconi, Little Italies e New Deal: La coalizione rooseveltiana e il voto italo-americano a Filadelfia e Pittsburgh (Little Italies and the New Deal: The Roosevelt coalition and the Italian-American vote in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh), in Journal of American History, (March 2004):114. Michael Miller Topp, Those Without a Country: The Political Culture of Italian American Syndicalists in Science & Society, (Fall 2003):386-389. Vernon M. Briggs Jr., Immigration and American Unionism, in Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, (Spring 2003):346-247. [Canada]. Stefano Luconi, La diplomazia parallela: il regime fascista e la mobilitazione politica degli italo-americani, [Parallel Diplomacy: the Fascist regime and the political mobilization of Italian Americans] in Journal of American History (September 2001):119. Samuel L. Baily, Immigrants in the Lands of Promise: Italians in Buenos Aires and New York City, 1870-1914, in The Italian American Review, (Winter 2000): 125-128. Rmi Skoutelsky, LEspoir guidait leurs pas: Les volontaires francais dans les Brigades Internationales, 1936-1939 [Hope Guided their Steps: French Volunteers in the International Brigades, 1936-1939], in The Volunteer, (Spring 1999):10-11. James G. Ryan, Earl Browder: The Failure of American Communism, in Journal of American History, (March 1998):1557-1558. Edward P. Johanningsmeier, Forging American Communism: The Life of William Z. Foster, in Societ e Storia, (July-September 1997):725-727. [Italy] Paul Avrich, Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America, in Oral History, (Summer 1997):158-160. George E. Pozzetta and Bruno Ramirez, eds., The Italian Diaspora: Migration Across the Globe, in Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos, (August 1996):416-418. [Argentina] Nunzio Pernicone, Italian Anarchism, 1864-1892, in Societ e Storia (October-December 1995):980-982. [Italy] New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism, Michael F. Brown, Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten, and George Snedeker eds., in Journal of American History (September 1994):772. Jerre Mangione and Ben Morreale, La Storia: Five Centuries of the Italian American Experience, in Societ e storia, (October-December 1993):929-930. [Italy] The 1891 New Orleans Lynching and U.S.-Italian Relations, Marco Rimanelli, and Sheryl Lynn Postman eds., in Societ e Storia, (October-December 1993):930-931. [Italy] Elisabetta Vezzosi, Il socialismo indifferente: Immigrati italiani e Socialist Party negli Stati Uniti del Primo Novecento, [Indifferent Socialism: Italian Immigrants and the Socialist Party in the Early Nineteen Hundreds] in Journal of American History, (March 1993):1645-1646. Zara Witkin, An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932-1934, Michael Gelb ed., in Journal of American History, (September 1992):711. Richard W. Judd, Socialist Cities: Municipal Politics and the Grass Roots of American Socialism, in American Historical Review, (February 1992):304. Donna R. Gabaccia, Militants and Migrants: Rural Sicilians Become American Workers, in Italian Americana, (Fall/Winter 1991):86-88. Dorothy Healey and Maurice Isserman, Dorothy Healey Remembers: A Life in the American Communist Party, in Journal of American History, (September 1991):727-728. Film reviews Fighting Paesanos, in the Italian American Review, (Winter, 2016.) Love in the Cold War, in Journal of American History, (December 1992):1288-1289. Manuscript Reviews Articles Article manuscripts reviewed for the International Review of Social History (Holland), Feminist Studies, the Journal of American History, The Journal of American Ethnic History, Journal of Historical Sociology, Left History, Modern History (UK), Modern Italy, The Oral History Review, the Historian, Italian American Review, The Volunteer, the American Jewish Archives Journal, the Journal of Womens History, Journal of Genocide Research and the web-based History News Network of George Mason University. Books Book manuscripts for Blackwell (2012), University of Missouri Press (2010), New York University Press (2005, 2010, 2012), University of Illinois Press (1998, 2004 and 2006, 2014), Yale University Press (1996 and 2001), Duke University Press (2014), SUNY Press (2015 and 2022), University Press of Florida (2014) and Wadsworth Publishing Company (1997). CONFERENCE PAPERS Class, Migration and Transnational Politics: Italian American Identities, paper delivered at the 58th annual conference of the British Association for American Studies, Exeter, UK, April 21, 2013. The Italian Fascist Police and the Construction of Italian-American Identity, paper delivered a the 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago. Antifascism, the Spanish Civil War and the Shaping of Ethnic Identity, paper delivered at the Congreso Internacional: La Guerra Civil Espaola, 1936-1939, Madrid, November 28, 2006. Arturo Giovannitti: Limpegno antifascista paper delivered at the Giornata internazionale di studi su Arturo Giovannitti, Campobasso, November 25-26, 2005. Fascist police in Little Italy: Repression and the politics of identity, paper delivered at the conference, Les Petites Italies dans le monde, Paris, September 8-10, 2005. Les italo-amricains et le fascisme dans les annes trente, paper delivered at the colloquium Territoires et militantes communistes: approches plurielles et compares Centre dhistoire sociale du XXe sicle, Universit Paris 1, December 6, 2003. Internationalism, Ethnic Consciousness and National Identity: Italian Radicalism in the United States, paper delivered at the international symposium Italian LaborAmerican Unions: From Conflicts to Reconciliation to Leadership, SUNY Stony Brook, November 1, 2003. Fascismo e antifascismo nella diaspora Italiana tra le due guerre, paper delivered at the international conference Europe, Its Borders and the Others, Assisi, Italy, January 8-10, 1998. Emigrati marchigiani nel Casellario Politico Centrale (18901940), paper delivered at the international conference Le Marche fuori dalle Marche: Migrazioni interne ed emigrazione all' estero tra XVIII e XX secolo" Ancona, March 2022, 1997. Italian-American Antifascism and the Remaking of the US Working Class, paper delivered at the international conference For Us There Are No Frontiers: Global Approaches to the Study of Italian Migration and the Making of Multiethnic Societies--1800-to the Present, held in Ybor City, Florida April 5, 1996. Diaspora or International Proletariat? Italian Migrants, 1815-1940 [co-author], paper delivered at the 18th International Congress of the International Commission of Historical Sciences, Montreal, Canada, August-September 1995. Classe, inmigracin y identidad. La formacin de estados multinacionales: el caso italiano, 1870-1940, Paper delivered at the Taller Cientfico Internacional dedicado al 105 aniversario de la celebracin del 1ro de Mayo, Havana, Cuba, April 1995. INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND LECTURES Passati ingombranti: Traumi, rimozioni e iconoclastica nelle storie del tempo presente, Department of History, Universit Roma 3, October 12, 2020. From Wall to Walls: Nativism from Benjamin Franklin to Donald J. Trump and Monuments and Memory and the Italian American Community: Columbus, Balbo and Beyond, lectures delivered at the 66th Seminar on American Culture, History and Literature, Centro Studi Americani, Rome, Italy, November 12 and 13, 2019. Memory, Monuments and Community, Istituto italiano di Cultura, NY, December 8, 2017. Monuments, Public Memory and Group Identity: The Cultural Politics of Italian America in the Twenty-First Century, John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute at Queens College, CUNY, October 24, 2017. Fascism and Italian American Culture, event organized by the Centro Primo Levi, NY, held at NYUs Casa Italiana, September 14, 2016. "Research Notes on Italian Jewish Exiles in the United States, 1938-1945" invited presentation part of a series to remember Italy and the Holocaust. Event sponsored by the Consulate General of Italy, Centro Primo Levi, NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marim, Italian Cultural Institute, Italian Academy at Columbia University, and the John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute. Event held at the Calandra Institute, January 29, 2014. The Asaba Memorial Project: The Challenges of Community, Memory and Collaboration, co-written presentation at the international interdisciplinary conference Violence Memory, and Human Rights, ƵJanuary 30-Feburary 1, 2012. Nord America: emigrazione e politica transnazionale nel processo di definizione dellidentit italoamericana [North America: Emigration, Transnational Politics and the Definition of an Italian-American Identity.] Presentation at the international symposium Una grande Italia oltre lItalia organized by the Partito Democratico (PD) for the 150th anniversary of Italian unification. Rome, May 2011. Mussolini in America Fascism, Antifascism, Transnational Politics and the definition of Italian American Identity, 1922-1938, lecture presented at Americord The Italian Jewish Exiles in the Americas, at the Italian Academy at Columbia University, Columbia University, April 27-28, 2010. Salvemini, gli italoamericani e il fascismo, lecture at the international event Gaetano Salvemini il prezzo della libert organized for the 50th anniversary of the historians death by the Istituto di Studi Storici "Gaetano Salvemini," Turin October 3-5, 2007. Militancy and Ethnicity: Recovering the Memory of the Spanish Civil War, presented to the symposium The Continuing History of the Spanish Civil War, Tamiment Library, New York University, April 27, 2007. Labor Migration and the Making of Multi-ethnic States: The Italian Experience, 1815-1939, presented at Population Movements in Europes History organized by the Academy of European History, Department of History and Civilization of the European University Institute, Florence, July 5, 2005. Presentation Gli studi sullemigrazione in prospettive transnazionale, at the seminar Migrazioni: storiografia, fonti, metodi at the Dipartimento di Storia e Storia dellArte, Universit di Trieste, April 13, 2005. Keynote speaker at the international conference Fascism and Antifascism in the Italian Diaspora, Universit Paris 7, Paris, December 2, 2003. Speaker at the international conference Le soldat volontaire en Europe dans les conflits du XXe sicle: de lengagement politique lengagement professionnel [The volunteer soldier in Europe during the 20th Century: from political involvement to professionalism], Universit Paul Valery, Montpellier (France) April 3-5, 2003. Discussant at the international one-day symposium New Directions in Comparative and Transnational History held at The Centre for the Study of the United States at the University of Toronto, May 30, 2002. Discussant at a public presentation of my co-authored book Italian Workers of the World: Labor Migration and the Formation of Multiethnic States, sponsored by NYUs Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marim, the Departments of Italian Studies and History, and the New York Labor History Association, event held at the Tamiment Library on October 10, 2001. UNIVERSITY LECTURES Class, Migration and the Shaping of Ethnic Identity, talk sponsored by the ƵHumanities Institute, March 25, 2008. Immigration, Conversational Symposium: Leaders and Outlaws in U.S. History, John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government, USF, May 3, 2006. Radical Intellectuals in the United States during the 1930s, Seminar for Applied Ethics, Honors program USF, February 28, 2000. U.S. foreign policy during the 1930s: Response and Reactions to the Spanish Civil War, Faculty and student research seminar, Department of History, New York University, April 24, 1999. Etnia, Classe e Razza negli Stati Uniti del primo novecento, (Ethnicity, Class, and Race in the United States in the early 20th century), Facolta di Scienze Politiche, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, February 10, 1998. Panelist at roundtable Nativism in Historical Perspective, Foreign Forum Immigration Series, Ƶ, October 16, 1996. Italian American Labor Activists, 18801940, speech delivered at the Robert F. Harney Professorship Lecture Series held at the Multicultural History Society of Toronto, March 22, 1996. CONFERENCE CHAIR, ORGANIZER OR COMMENTATOR Chair and commentator, Forgetting Fascism in the 1940s: Class, Political Vision, and South Slavic Americans, at Labor and Working Class History Conference, Seattle, June 23, 2017. Chair, Localizing Labor History: Case Studies of Commemoration and Sites of Memory, at Labor and Working Class History Conference, Seattle, June 23, 2017. Commentator, Transatlantic Antifascism: Transfers and Comparisons of Cultural Resistance against Nazism and Fascism in the Atlantic World, 1922-1945, at Fifth European Congress of World and Global History, Budapest, September 2, 2017. Chair and commentator, Italian American Enterprise in North America, at the 47th Annual Conference of the Italian American Studies Association, University of Toronto, October 18, 2014. Chair and commentator book session: Living the Revolution: Italian Womens Resistance and Radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945, by Jennifer Guglielmo, at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 12, 2013. Commentator, Researching Capitalism and Democracy in the American Global 20th Century, Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians, Milwaukee April 19, 2012. Chair and commentator session Padroni and Prominenti: Patronage and Leadership in Italian America, Annual meeting of the Italian American Studies Association, Hofstra University, November 30, 2012. Commentator book session: Crossing Borders: Migration and Citizenship in the 20th Century United States, by Dorothee Schneider, at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Boston, November 18, 2011. Commentator book session: Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of the Sovversivi in the United States, 1890-1940, by Marcella Bencivenni; A New Language a New World: Italian Immigrants in the United States, 1890-1945, by Nancy Carnevale; and Living the Revolution: Italian Womens Resistance and Radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945, by Jennifer Guglielmo, sole commentator at the Annual Meeting of the American Italian Historical Association, Tampa, October 21, 2011. Commentator book session: Red Chicago, by Randi Storch, at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 19, 2010. Commentator, Italian American Identity in a Transnational Context: 1900-1945, Cosponsored by Immigration and Ethnic History Society, annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians, April 21, 2006. Commentator, session dedicated to Italian migration, Giornata di discussione dei lavori, COFIN 2002, Universit di Firenze, December 3, 2004. Commentator, European Colonialism and Colonial Legacy, at Europe and the World held at the European University Institute, October 7, 2004. Commentator, Migration, at Presentation by First Year Researchers, Professors and Jean Monnet Fellows, held at the European University Institute, October 4, 2004. Chair and commentator,Le Vie dellOceano: Lemigrazione e le popolazioni di origine italiana allestero, at the international conference Migrazioni italiane tra cultura nazionale e transnazionalismo, Genoa, October 2, 2004. Organizer and chair, Labor and Radical Movements in the Italian Diaspora: a comparison of Argentina, Brazil, France, and the United States, European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, March 57, 1998. Chair, The Culture of Radicalism at the international conference The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism, Graduate School and University Center of the University of New York, May 15, 1997. BOOK PRESENTATIONS Assassins Against the Old Order presentation at Red Emmas bookstore, Baltimore MD, May 8, 2019; the John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute, February 28, 2019; and the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marim, NYU, November 9, 2018. The Asaba Massacre presentation at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) London, October 7, 2017; and at Quintessence Ikoyi, Lagos (Nigeria) October 4, 2017. Consulting Documentaries: Historical consultant for the new DVD edition of The Good Fight: The Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War, 2009; Historical consultant The Sacco and Vanzetti Case by Peter Miller, Willow Pond Productions, 2006; Historical consultant and narrator The Life and Times of Saul Wellman by Oscar nominee Judy Montell, 2004; Historical consultant Into the Heart of the Fire: North American Women in the Spanish Civil War directed by Julia Newman and produced by Exemplary Films of New York, 2001. Historical advisor for the exhibit Facing Fascism: New York City and the Spanish Civil War, Museum of the City of New York, 2007. Editorial Boards Member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Ethnic History, the International Publishers, Bordighera Press and of the Advisory Board for the Studi di Storia series of the Universita di Trieste Press. PUBLIC (recent) Interviews Italian media: Interviewed on Sole 24 Ore radio (America 24) on the anniversary of September 11, September 12, 2010; RAI International (Italian national radio and TV): member of international panel on the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court and the Italian-American community on Italia chiama Italia, a radio news program produced in Rome, February 3, 2006; member of an international panel on global Italian migration on Italia chiama Italia, October 16, 2003; invited to speak on Italian immigration to the United States for the Italian language television news program Zoom produced by RAI International in New York, January 22, 2003. Italian media, newspapers: Interviewed and cited in article on U.S. presidential elections in Corriere della Sera. August 30th, 2012; Interviewed on Italian-American labor leader Vanni Buscemi Montana by Il Corriere della Sera, February 18, 2004 and by Italia Oggi, February 28, 2004. National media, TV: The biography of Milt Felsen, on camera interview, Gulf Coast Journal, WUSF, March 3, 2006. National media, radio interviews: Radio interview on the origins of May Day, WMNF Tampa, May 1, 2015; on US volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, WUSB SUNY Stony Brook, Monday April 21, 2013; National media, newspaper interviews: Interview and extensively cited in an article How bomb blasts a century ago launched the Red Scare and a raid against Paterson anarchists, by James M. ONeill for the North Jersey Record. https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/2019/05/31/1919-anarchist-bombings-paterson-nj/3741015002/ Interviewed and quoted by Kameel Stanley of the St. Petersburg Times for an article on undocumented workers: As the Debate Rolls, Illegal Immigrant Population Plunges, September 10, 2010; Interviewed and quoted by Simon Akam of the New York Times for an article on the conferral of Spanish citizenship to the surviving Americans who volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War, Spain Gives Citizenship to Fighters of Franco, August 29, 2009. LANGUAGES French, Italian, and Spanish.     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